• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

GCRG Grand Auction and Sale. Saturday July 15th at the GCRG Depot


See below from Paul Taylor GCRG Chairman:

GCRG Grand Auction and Sale.

Saturday July 15th from 9:30 at the GCRG Depot

Hello All,

Its now only a couple of weeks to the GCRG Grand Auction and Sale Event being held at the GCRG Depot to raise funds for GCRG, MCRO and the BCRC.

The Auction starts at 14.30 hrs

Attached are the listings for the Auction Items. Items that are going on sale and the items for donations. They are as up to date as possible but there are a few extra items that have come in since the lists were prepared so they will be added on the day.

Can I please ask that you circulate the information as far and wide as possible around your respective organisations and friends etc as we have around £5000.00 of items on the list and it all has to go. If anyone is not able to attend and would like to bid for an item or purchase or donate for anything then they can send their details and the amounts to me, chairman@gcrg.org.uk and I will make sure that its dealt with.

Thanks to everyone who has donated items.

For anyone who wishes to take part in any of the activities planned for the morning Caving, Kayaking, Walking or Mountain Bike Ride can I ask that they let me know so I can pass the details onto the respective leaders.

09.30 hrs onwards from the GCRG Depot.

Don't forget if you are a Cake maker then please bring a Cake along for the Cake Stall being run by Charlotte Maisey.

There will be a SRT Obstacle Course set up in the new Training Area so please remember your SRT Kit and have a go. Nothing to serious and it will be suitable for the youngsters.

We have been given a Reel End of brand new Rope but we don't know how much Rope is on it. So there is going to be a Guess the length competition. £1.00 a guess. With the winner being the closest to the length when its measured receiving the rope as their prize.

Camping , and Camper Vans space available for Friday and Saturday evenings. BBQ on Saturday afternoon.

There will be drinks available but if you have a local brewery near you and would like to bring some along to add to the stocks that would be really great.

Donations for food and drinks.

If anyone wishes to go caving on Sunday then we can sort this out as well.

All in all its going to be a great fun weekend which with good support will raise a nice amount of money for all .


Liz Maisey Treasurer

Paul Taylor Chairman

Pete Mason Secretary

Gloucestershire Cave Rescue Group


Just a quick reminder that the auction is tomorrow.

Slight change of format to cater for the weather (all undercover now) and a few more things added to the auction list. (y)