We added a 'like' button this year - https://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=23403.0 and there were well over 2 million page views - so thanks for looking and liking
Despite my often repeated refrain:
UKC - owned by cavers and run on a not for profit basis for cavers. 16 years of searchable information. We don't mess with your data and we do care about our wonderful sport.
Facebook - owned by billionaires and run for profit. Try looking something up you saw posted a week ago, let alone years ago. Is your data safe? Cares about caving? No, not one jot.
...it's a case of 'If you can't beat them (because we're not billionaires thank goodness), join them' - so UKC has a facebook page with over 2700 'Likes' + a new Instagram account which one day soon I will learn how to use
Have a great year, All
Thank you Mark Burkey for the photo