• DEF - Derbyshire Explorers' Forum (01/02/25)

    Following the great success of the forum in 2023, we're holding it again!

    This will be a day for all cave diggers in Derbyshire to come together. Registration is required this year, so please follow this link to get your tickets:

    Click here for link

Hawks point mine


I have found the entrance by the WW2 pillbox on a previous visit, and am keen for a trip into the aforementioned mine.I shall be down on hols 2nd week in Sept, would anyone be up for a trundle that week ?

gus horsley

New member
Twiglet and I had a look at it.  There's a scramble up through undergrowth from the beach and a traverse through similar to get into the entrance.  The adit is about 500ft long with a shaft from surface which is vertical then descends on the dip of the lode and continues below the adit but is flooded.  There's no stoping, the lode looks very thin, but there are a few ochre stals and some pretty sections of copper staining