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Edited by Peter Joseph and Graham Thorne, 338pp, Available in Softback and Hardback
The book is a collection of essays from several authors and brings together lots of new information and previously unknown photographs hence the need for editors.. This year 2019 is also the 100 year anniversary of the Man Engine Disaster and the accident report by H,A, Abbott, Inspector of Mines has a dedicated chapter. and in itself is a fascinating and informative read. .
The book however doesn't dwell on the accident and delves into the early development of the mine and some of the entrepreneurs involved . It looks at some of the early machinery too.Never recorded before are the last 10 working years of the mine. It also records the restoration of the whim and Engines at Levant.
The book is a very informative and interesting read and adds new details about the mine which haven't been addressed before
The book is a collection of essays from several authors and brings together lots of new information and previously unknown photographs hence the need for editors.. This year 2019 is also the 100 year anniversary of the Man Engine Disaster and the accident report by H,A, Abbott, Inspector of Mines has a dedicated chapter. and in itself is a fascinating and informative read. .
The book however doesn't dwell on the accident and delves into the early development of the mine and some of the entrepreneurs involved . It looks at some of the early machinery too.Never recorded before are the last 10 working years of the mine. It also records the restoration of the whim and Engines at Levant.
The book is a very informative and interesting read and adds new details about the mine which haven't been addressed before