• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

    Subscribers should have received their issue in the post - please let us know if you haven't. For everyone else, the online version is now available for free download:

    Click here for download link

Library Activity


Good morning to cavers across the world. As I have posted before we are trying to respond to enquiries but cannot get to the library at present. We have links to other groups who hold journals at their own homes - so it is worth giving us a try. Cataloguing work is still going on though and Katie is working on our CD/DVD/VHS/FILM collection. Some very interesting ones we have too. I am cataloging all the PDFs and screen captures I gathered during and after the Thailand cave rescue on 2018 - these along with the physical newspaper cuttings,  books and other documents will form a valuable archive. Stay Safe out there - the caves will not go away :)
