• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

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Mars tubes again


Well-known member


Active member
Long Rake vs Tube Rake.





Well-known member
When we get to Mars, will the caves be more collapsing because there is no air pressure, or will they be massive because of a lack of gravity?

When we do digs will we be able to use superlight aluminium scaff?


New member
Have any of you read William Halliday on Martian caves? Not long before he died he asked me to survey a sandstone feature for him for an upcoming book which dealt with Mars analogs. I don't know if the book was ever published, or even if Dr. Halliday's head was screwed on straight (to an ignoramus like myself he seemed to be slightly fantastical when talking/writing about Mars) but he was sure a gracious guy and wrote a lot of good caving literature.


Well-known member
2xw said:
When we get to Mars, will the caves be more collapsing because there is no air pressure, or will they be massive because of a lack of gravity?

When we do digs will we be able to use superlight aluminium scaff?

I would guess no, yes, yes.


Well-known member
Problem will be getting the scaff there, they are very fussy about weight loads in spaceships...


Well-known member
You'll need to take some potatoes and plenty of tomato ketchup, and the disco music is of course optional.  They'll also need to decide between imperial and metric before the spacecraft crashes.
Humour aside, a Mars mission or two is really needed. Earth will get another mass extinction sooner or later. Russian spacecraft seem reliable so just bung Putin some more cash to fire up the Soyuz to put the stuff in orbit. Phased multiple missions is the way.

Duck ditch

New member
Absolutely.  Let?s get terraforming mars. ASAP.
We survived 18 covids.  Struggling with 19. What?s next.

All those virgin lava tubes to explore.  We can keep the bad air out with ventilators.  Get some super fast plants growing on the surface to convert the air to oxygen.  That won?t take long. 
Caving will be easier like you say with the lack of gravity.  Easy pitches.  Aluminium Scaffs too good point.
I?ll miss the water but there maybe some of that at the poles that where I would head.

We could go with Putin but I think he would favour mother country people over uk?ers.
I would put my faith in Paedo Musk (I can call him that because it?s not offensive where I come from).  He?s sussed out the transport in space already.  Cars, and we know how to make cars so that problems solved.  Disco musics fine.  I like the full range of music from country right through to western.

Covids here to stay.  Vaccines don?t work.  Here are some papers to prove this. (You are fucked if you take a vaccine. Dr Wakefield dphd bsht. ).  (Better dead than autistic.  D ike.  Son of god ).  So let?s get to mars quickly.  It?s the easiest option.


Well-known member
Well... What can you say to that.

If anyone has a genuine interest, paedo musk (a twat but the spaces engineers are still cool) is sending a crewedars spaceship to the iss at the end of the month.


Well-known member
Better watch The Martian, as a how to guide, it's on this week:

Duck ditch

New member
Mr Musk is a marketing expert and a bank balance.  Tesla was a genius so it?s a good name for his cars.  He must have good Engineers I agree. 