Message for Rhychydwr1.



bubba said:
What's wrong with Amazon?

It's a bit like asking what's wrong with Microsoft. The problem is where to start. Briefly they're an aggressive monopolist with lousy labour policies. It comes down to do you shop at Tesco's or your local shop. If you keep shopping at Tesco's eventually there wont be a choice.

More to the point why favour one particular online bookshop?

cucc Paul

Firstly Web sites can be expensive, our caving club one eats a big piece of our budget, even if you host from home you need to support the hard ware and pay for a decent net connection, or if you host it offsite you need to pay a server company which for a web site of this size i could imagine wouldnt be cheap either as you would probably also have to pay for PHP extensions or compliance.

If Bubba offered a link to amazon as an option which people could use or ignor then do there own search for the book then it would help to offset costs every time someone did use the link to save time, sometime money, mostly effort.

I agree yes amazon is probably bad but then if you shop in waterstones what about the second hand book next door, if you shop in the second hand book store next door what about the charity shop around the corner, if you shop in the charity shop what about your cup off coffee in waterstones that helps to supports fair trade. Its a vicouse circle and who is worse than who?

The amount of hits this web site generates would ensure that even a small advertisement would ensure that the page pays for itself rather than it comeing out someones pocket. Just as an example one of the websites I maintain has a lot of content and is constantly growing and recieves a relativly large number of hits, probably not as many as this one though, and that costs £40+ a year to host off site and this was the cheapest I could find after extensive searching and they give me a 20% discount as the contnet is charity based.

Any how thats my views and well done Bubba for keeping the forum looking great, free and secure...  :bow: must take a large amount of work at times.


cucc Paul said:
Firstly Web sites can be expensive, our caving club one eats a big piece of our budget, even if you host from home you need to support the hard ware and pay for a decent net connection, or if you host it offsite you need to pay a server company which for a web site of this size i could imagine wouldnt be cheap either as you would probably also have to pay for PHP extensions or compliance.

If Bubba offered a link to amazon as an option which people could use or ignor then do there own search for the book then it would help to offset costs every time someone did use the link to save time, sometime money, mostly effort.

I agree yes amazon is probably bad but then if you shop in waterstones what about the second hand book next door, if you shop in the second hand book store next door what about the charity shop around the corner, if you shop in the charity shop what about your cup off coffee in waterstones that helps to supports fair trade. Its a vicouse circle and who is worse than who?

The amount of hits this web site generates would ensure that even a small advertisement would ensure that the page pays for itself rather than it comeing out someones pocket. Just as an example one of the websites I maintain has a lot of content and is constantly growing and recieves a relativly large number of hits, probably not as many as this one though, and that costs £40+ a year to host off site and this was the cheapest I could find after extensive searching and they give me a 20% discount as the contnet is charity based.

Any how thats my views and well done Bubba for keeping the forum looking great, free and secure...  :bow: must take a large amount of work at times.

Hey chill. It wasn't bubba who was suggesting linking to Amazon and I was merely expressing my opinion. It's bubba's call as to what he does but if I was in his position I'd welcome such input. Personally I'd rather see the board financed by it's users than adverts.

At this point I really should put my money where my mouth is so what's the url for contributions?

Les W

Active member
cucc Paul said:
Just as an example one of the websites I maintain has a lot of content and is constantly growing and recieves a relativly large number of hits, probably not as many as this one though, and that costs £40+ a year to host off site and this was the cheapest I could find after extensive searching and they give me a 20% discount as the contnet is charity based.

Hi Paul
Have you thought of hosting on BCA's servers?

Pm me if you are interested.



cucc Paul

Sorry rant may have been a bit strong and i was probably the wrong person to make it, didnt mean it to be quiet so strong was just trying to highlight wider issues... Thanks for the suggestion Les I will bear this in mind when its time to move or repay they look very competative with the arangements I have at the moment.


emgee said:
At this point I really should put my money where my mouth is so what's the url for contributions?

It's here:

The wiki seems to have temporarily died at the moment anyway - I'm too busy to do any work on it and there haven't been any updates for 6 days - eek!

cucc Paul

Sounds like you have found what we did... In the first couple on months Huge amounts of stuff is added then things slow down, this is to be expected I think as initially people put down everything they know but then run dry, after the initial push you may well find you will only have a few updates a week as people learn more and add data that they find is missing or update data with new points...


bubba said:
The wiki seems to have temporarily died at the moment anyway - I'm too busy to do any work on it and there haven't been any updates for 6 days - eek!
I've got quite a bit of stuff I want to put up. I'm just a bit too busy at the moment too!
