bubba said:Ok, since you seem to be on a mission to advertise your books, I have blocked you for one day.
For fucks sake, the wiki IS NOT a for sale board.
THE CAVES OF CARMARTHEN - Part 3 in the Series "Limestone and caves of South Wales” by Tony Oldham. vi + 65 pp, 39 surveys, location maps etc.
In the long out of print 1967 edition of 'Caves in Wales and the Marches' only 13 caves were described and 10 sites listed by National Grid Reference only.
This book describes in much greater detail over 100 sites of speleological interest.
An introduction in Welsh, a caving code, cave rescue hints and Cave Conservation are some of the many topics included.
New A4 edition Revised April 2003.
SB £7.50
available from:
THE CAVES OF CARMARTHEN - Part 3 in the Series "Limestone and caves of South Wales” by Tony Oldham. vi + 65 pp, 39 surveys, location maps etc.
In the long out of print 1967 edition of 'Caves in Wales and the Marches' only 13 caves were described and 10 sites listed by National Grid Reference only.
This book describes in much greater detail over 100 sites of speleological interest.
An introduction in Welsh, a caving code, cave rescue hints and Cave Conservation are some of the many topics included.
New A4 edition Revised April 2003.
SB £7.50
available from:
Oldham, Tony. "The Caves of Camarthen" (2003)
Cave_Troll said:maybe an ISBN number and an amazon link
The ISBN is perfect.emgee said:Certainly the ISBN should be acceptable. Personally I'd like a few lines of description of the contents too. Linking to the likes of Amazon strikes me as totally unacceptable.
cucc Paul said:I dont think any one would mind so much if you linked to amazon and had an affiliate account with them too much Bubba, amazon is a good website and you have to try and make the ends meet if this is an easy way thats not too intrusive all the better... The other thing we found is once our wiki got going we needed a bigger bandwidth quota and more web space.
SamT said:elaborate... :-\