• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

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mole phone / heyphone


For the first time I reached the far end of the Wainfelin/Tranch mine in Pontypool.  If I have ever seen a deliberate collapse/blockage it is that.  In my nievety I think I am but two body lengths from daylight.  Is it possible that by placing one end of a mole phone or Heyphone in the mine at the point of blockage one could locate the enterence location on the surface.  I can generate an approximate location but finding the exact location would make me a very happy person.


New member
Hi Chris,

Suggest you contact Stuart France and persuade him to employ his radiolocation equipment. That will do the trick!

Have some good news about one of those other projects you suggested to me. Will PM you later (probably tomorrow) - have just got down off the hill.

