• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

More Caving Please Vicar

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Right now some of us are going back to caving can we please reset this forum to topics actually involving real caving. Trip reports, digs, and particularly caving photos. Too many silly jokes. Covid-19 tosh, favourite song titles blah, blah. Whose ruddy committee works the best.

Real caving, please.
I am getting underground one or two evenings a week typically, but sit in front of the computer 8 hours a day five days a week for work. All the nonsense is a welcome distraction and you can always ignore it if you don't like it :)

More proper caving stuff is also very welcome  :thumbsup:

I'll pop up a trip report from Swildon's last week that I wrote up for the Cheddar mailing list. Didn't take a camera, so no pictures I'm afraid.
it's a bit awkward to post about resuming caving (having only just started back myself) as there are a lot of people who can't due to the huts being closed and the ongoing restrictions etc so it's not really surprising. I also think we're still in the rubbing salt in the wound territory

If it makes it any better I had a cracking time down p8 saturday (hauling) and am umming and ahhing over which Dales pots to sample (though usually scuppered by the weather) over the next 2 weekends!
The Forest of Dean is still closed for caving or so I'm informed so jokes and conspiracy theories are the order of the day for me.
I have to admit I joined uk caving to reminisce and keep myself amused during the lockdown and beyond.  I?ve enjoyed reading trip and dig reports. Exploration especially.  There was only 22 last year but I had a backlog to read.  I can?t blame anybody, I couldn?t be bothered  writing up any trips I?ve done in the past.  Simon Becks log is outstanding.
It?s renewed my interest although it never really went away.  I?ve even done some digging at a few sites while locating pots from Barbon to Ingleborough. Perks of living in the area.
For me caving was always companionship,humour, music,the pub and Even watching shocked the disgusting eating competitions on my visits to the mendips.
I sort of treat the site as a virtual pub, dipping in and out of conversations etc.  When someone comes in with a description of a trip or caving event then I?m all ears. 
crickleymal said:
The Forest of Dean is still closed for caving or so I'm informed so jokes and conspiracy theories are the order of the day for me.
It was open yesterday.  No police road blocks etc.  I even managed to get underground.  Will write it up in the next edition of Caves in the Forest of Dean.
I wish I could go caving :( nearest caves about 3 hours away, and no caving huts open yet (rightfully so). so it will be more silly jokes and covid-19 nonsense from me for a bit yet
Not sure where you live but all the caves on Portland are open (as they always are).  Rather than gates the tradition on Portland is the protect the entrances with cliffs, brambles, stinging nettles and general detritus that's been fly tipped.  The two bunk houses used by climbers / divers (and the occasional caver) are open as are campsites in weymouth.  The caves are certainly not the most inspiring but plenty to keep you amused for a weekend and you're unlikely to find anyone else underground.
The issues with vigilante locals I mentioned back in May seem to have gone away too.

As per Mr OR's request I might post some pictures in the Portland section of the forum shortly of a very recent small extension to one of the islands caves...

It's great to read trip reports, exped stories, digging tales etc and we're happy to encourage that where we can.  The problem would seem to be there's just not that many people who either have the time or the will to write up their stories.  It's probably also true to say there is a limit on what people what to write about even if you are a skilled enough to turn every trip into an entertaining classic.

However, Ukcaving is there for anything related to caving - and even a few things that are not.  Why not have jokes, music, links to other places, quizzes, information and, of course, politics.  As has been stated above you can choose what you read about and what you don't.  There are many people who associate as cavers but who are not very active presently - it is good to have something for everyone.

I'll just point out that SOMEONE has viewed the Friday joke  1,322,443 times  :o

Duck ditch said:
I sort of treat the site as a virtual pub

I like this analogy, but I think I treat it more like a virtual club hut. It has the random chats in the common room (as per the pub analogy), but it also has the club library, tackle store, notice board and dare I say it, even the long political meetings! Not to mention the fact that you need to bring your own drink! :beer2:
Ah but is it open to everybody. Or do you have to be a member  ;D
Old Ruminator is right in that it would be good to hear of trips.
I did a thread on cave passage names During lockdown hoping for some interesting anecdotes. Same with favourite moments in caving hoping for some tales. :)
My dig report is that I have moved boulders in short gill, aygill and park fell areas. Rediscovered a bedding near grizedale currently occupied by a fox or badger. :(
Incidentally SUSS wounds have been opened up on a dig report and they have sneakily thrown politics into that too.  Surely how to make a Tory angry is to ask them whether to wear a mask or not?  :-\ :
I?m pretty vacant on club and area politics  :blink:
All the subjects mixed up in one post  :chair:  I have learnt to use omojis to make sure no one takes it the wrong way.
Just in case. Sorry  :ang:
Duck ditch said:
Ah but is it open to everybody. Or do you have to be a member  ;D

Got to be a member to post, but anyone can sit in the corner and listen to what's going on.

At least you don't need a proposer and seconder to join this club ;D
tim.rose2 said:
Not sure where you live but all the caves on Portland are open (as they always are). 

If that was to me, I'm based in West Sussex, conveniently bloody miles away from any caves :(

I'll make do on in the virtual pub for now!
I'm stuck in the South East as well, so logistics of trip organising to Mendip are a bit awkward given the world has gone crazy.  One of my resolutions (OK, the only one) was to do more caving this year and that is currently a little pear shaped, although there are some beginning glimmers of hope in terms of interim club access before all this blows over.
Things like this forum are nice to see what's happening all over the place and the various, shall we say, spurious type posts are quite fun and may help in the wider sense of togetherness.
I may have a slight predilection for certain Idle Chat's (don't think I'm breaking the rules there - tell me if I am - I do try and put the right things in the right categories), and personally not so much for the excessive politicking, and have lots of interest in anything photo or video related.  Also the non-Mendip stuff is interesting too. Others will of course have different views and interests, e.g. thriving on politics, which is fine.
Anyway apologies if I've inadvertently upset anyone or got too keen on the posts.  I do have lots of stuff going through my head.