Peak District - Wezzit?




Well-known member
No idea where it is, but nice pic of a nice place (and before Old Git has a go at me ?  :tease: ? trite comment!)

Anyway, I took the liberty of dragging the image to my desktop and spent about 2 minutes in Photoshop Elements (?60 ? can't afford the real Mccoy at ~?600) getting rid of the distracting tape. Would you like to see the result, Zomjon?


Well-known member
Great shot Zomjom, although i've got no idea! Hmmm

1. Phreatic, so mostly rules out the swallets.
2. Oversuit is clean, so mostly rules out most places, or it is simply close to an entrance
3. Limestone very orange
4. Stalactities and stalagmites = old
5. Taped well, so prossably an "officially protected" place

Nope, no idea!  :mad:


Well-known member
Gonna say Wather Icicle new stuff. put it out there only been to a certain point but pretty sure I didn't see this unless its second extension?


New member
Is it a Derbyshire caver dreaming about a possible Carlsbad-Big-Room-style discovery as he passes some roadworks on the the way home from the pub?


New member
I do believe that is the Grotto in Aussie Chamber in Darfar Ridge Cave, the scene of my recent (Nov 2010) filming with the BBC! (For the Countryfile program.) The tallest stalagmite in the centre is the one I mended with Superglue a few years ago...


Well-known member
Crumble and/or Beza, in Nettle? (never knew which one was which, but know which one i mean!)