PICA memberships 2017


New member
Peak Instructed Caving Affiliation (PICA) subs are now due for 2017. Please check your emails, if you were a member in 2016 you should have had a renewal through.

Subs are the same level as 2016: Voluntary Groups- ?20/Freelancer- ?25/Small Organisation- ?35/Outdoor Centres and Organisations- ?95

For those who don't know what PICA is you can find info here: http://thedca.org.uk/training/pica

PICA offers up to date mines inspection reports and approved routes to caving instructors. We also provide alerts about peak district caves/mines when there are known hazards/problems.

If you're interested in joining or if you haven't had your renewal email through then drop me an email on PICAsecretary@theDCA.org.uk

Many thanks
PICA secretary