Rope lost in Swinsto


New member
Hi Everyone,

On a rather wet pull-through down Swinsto yesterday (Saturday 30/11/24) we had to leave a rope which just wouldn't pull down the top part of Split pitch. Too much water to try to retrieve.

It's a 40m yellow Beal Spelenium Gold 9.5mm. Length marked at both ends (black on white tape) and steel krab in the middle. If anyone comes across it and is able to take it through and out with them, please let me know. Could you drop it off at Inglesport if possible - they'll put it aside until I'm next there.



New member

That's absolutely fabulous - thank you! It should be clean by now at least...
I'll let Inglesport know and will arrange to pick it up the following week. Please let me know if you aren't able to drop it off for some reason.

Thanks again!


New member
It was well twisted up! Not sure if that would have been caused by the force of the water or from using the wide y-hang on opposite walls. I think this can sometimes cause ropes to twist when pulling through. 🤔