• A date for the diary! J'Rat Digging Awards 23rd Nov

    At the Hunters 7.30pm

    Any submissions from Mendip or Scotland need to be in by 4th November.

    Click here for more

Speleo Kamaraton 2021, Italy


New member
International Speleology Meeting

Mediterranean Speleology-Testimonials : A sea of caves

Aeneas crossed this sea. He touched the coast of mermaids, spotted the white mountains of limestone and snow, and dark caves. The nymph Kamaraton bewitched the helmsman Palinuro and attracted him. The caves enchant speleologists from all over the Mediterranean involving them in endless exploration. Around this sea many cavers come and go to do more speleology. A sea of caves with possible explorations.

More information at: http://www.speleokamaraton.eu/en/ and https://www.facebook.com/speleokamaraton/