Stop and krab found in bedding plane crawl - Rift Pot, Marble Steps


New member
Whilst enduring the delights of the flat out thrutch through the pools of cold water between the first and second pitches of Rift Pot (on Marble Steps) my nose came into contact with a Stop that certainly wasn't there a few weeks ago.  If it belongs to you please email me "mark at" (replace the at with @) to arrange it's safe return.


Active member
Going slightly off topic, for which I apologise ...

how's the dead sheep doing that's half way down the first pitch?

When I found him (her?) about 6 months ago, I decided I definitely wasn't going back for at least 2 years.

Langthwaite Pot

The owner of the stop has been alerted to this thread!




Well-known member
damian said:
Going slightly off topic, for which I apologise ...

how's the dead sheep doing that's half way down the first pitch?

When I found him (her?) about 6 months ago, I decided I definitely wasn't going back for at least 2 years.

Is that the same sheep as pictured on p56 of "Wainwright in the Limestone Dales"?


New member
The dead sheep is now liberally dispersed along the first 50 metres or so of the bedding plane, as unfortunately is the smell!!!