The Cave-Wyrm Theory


Well-known member
A scientific theory developed by my two housemates talking about me, who have never been in a cave:

H: "I think there is one, singular giant wyrm that lives underground. The wyrm burrows through the rocks creating new caves across the world so Anna will inevitably encounter this at somepoint and it will eat her."

O: "I highly doubt the wyrm would be able to find her, there are a lot caves in the world."

H: "No, the wyrm will be attracted to Anna because of her powerful energy. That's why she's so obsessed with caving. The wyrm obviously has psychic powers which hypnotise people that go in caves to lure them deeper and deeper underground. I swear it's going to eat her. I think we need to create a wyrm cult to worship it in order to protect these poor people that are being lured into darkness. That's the only reasonable explanation for why she keeps doing it."

O:"Yes I agree, we'll have to warn her in case she sees the giant wyrm in a cave."

Thus they barged into my nice peaceful room to explain this scientific theory.

Wondering what other people think of this? Is there a giant wyrm deep underground? If so, how do we protect ourselves from it? Should we be adding swords and shields to our caving attire?

I will have to go and add it to the Newcastle Uni Risk Assessment  :D


Well-known member
In HP Lovecraft Mythology there are the Chthonians.  Giant burrowing worm like creatures that are not the best news if you bump into one...  Looks like Anna has some powers.
Swords and shields are not that practical underground.  A flintlock with silver bullets, knowledge of the arcane arts, and the ability to run faster than the person next to you are better strategies.
Sleep well  :eek:

Roger W

Well-known member
"Far, far below the deepest delvings of the Dwarves, the world is gnawed by nameless things...
Now I have walked there, but I will bring no report to darken the light of day."

Gandalf in LoTR,  2004 edition p. 501.


Well-known member
So - should the Wormway passage in Ease Gill Caverns have it's spelling changed slightly, maybe?


Well-known member
If anyone remembers the delightfully barmy Lucinda Lambton, &/or Ken Russell's equally daft film "the Lair of the White Worm" - a worm can also mean a dragon:


Staff member
I imagine this wyrm was born in East Kingsdale and made the small tight caves there as a toddler, Growing up as a teenager it must have moved to the continent before emigrating to China as a fully grown adult.  It is possible that this theory is flawed and there was more than one wyrm, maybe many and of different sizes.


Well-known member
Badlad said:
I imagine this wyrm was born in East Kingsdale and made the small tight caves there as a toddler, Growing up as a teenager it must have moved to the continent before emigrating to China as a fully grown adult.  It is possible that this theory is flawed and there was more than one wyrm, maybe many and of different sizes.

:LOL:    (y)

You ought to submit a spoof paper to BCRA's Cave & Karst Science journal, on 1st April.  ;)

Duck ditch

New member
Interesting theory.  We have seen cockroach, snake and cattle erosion in action.  Do wyrms lay eggs?  If so I think pitlamp has found them on another thread.


Well-known member
Duck ditch said:
Interesting theory.  We have seen cockroach, snake and cattle erosion in action.  Do wyrms lay eggs?  If so I think pitlamp has found them on another thread.

:LOL:    :clap:


Well-known member
Is there a giant wyrm deep underground?

If so, how do we protect ourselves from it?
Nothing you, or anyone can do.

Should we be adding swords and shields to our caving attire?
Swords just bounce off its scales. Shields are useless. Underground nuclear testing was an attempt to kill it, but failed. In the end it will devour the roots of Yggdrasil and doom us all.


Well-known member
Badlad said:
I imagine this wyrm was born in East Kingsdale and made the small tight caves there as a toddler, Growing up as a teenager it must have moved to the continent before emigrating to China as a fully grown adult.  It is possible that this theory is flawed and there was more than one wyrm, maybe many and of different sizes.

Cutting its teeth in the Dales before growing old and retiring in China/East Asia for an easy life sounds like the Life Cycle of the average British Caver  ;) . Perhaps this Wyrm is where we get our life lessons from?


Well-known member
We routinely convince freshers that the uniform cylindrical holes found in the rock of some caves, mines and quarries were caused by a shy species of "Welsh Slateworm" that eat through rock.

Some of them believe it long enough to pass it onto the other freshers, but some of them actually know how explosives are placed  ;)


Active member
Badlad said:
I imagine this wyrm was born in East Kingsdale and made the small tight caves there as a toddler
A 'toddler' Wyrm, now there's a thought. It baffle the imagination...