Try Caving with the YSS - 12th & 13th November 2011


Well-known member
Have you ever wanted a go at Caving?

Fancy going caving and seeing what it?s like underground, in the company of experienced cavers?
Or maybe you tried caving years ago and fancy another go?

The Yorkshire Subterranean Society welcome you to a ?Try Caving Weekend? at our hostel, The Old School, Helwith Bridge, near Settle on the weekend of the 12th & 13th November 2011.

Overnight accommodation is available and all your caving equipment will be provided. Come for the day or all weekend - it's up to you.

Read what Grough thought when they tried caving with the YSS.

If you're interested, contact Chris Tate for more information on yorksubsoc [at] hotmail [dot] co [dot] uk

And just to whet your appetite a bit further, here are some quick video clips:

try caving 2010

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.


Well-known member
I am badgering some of my more adventurous colleagues at work, I have two maybes so far.