• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

vecors 2008

  • Thread starter Ged Campion UK delegate F
  • Start date

Ged Campion UK delegate F

Dear Caving Friends, Chers Amis Spéléo,

This message to inform you about 3 news for your registrations to Vercors 2008 (http://vercors2008.eu/registration.htm#registration). Before anything else we remind you that the 1st fees step will end within few days on the 30th of May. We thus advice you to register asap for you and the members of your club and federation.

1st good news : The registrations can now be non-named.

In order to facilitate the registration of everyone inside the caving clubs and federations at the best Vercors2008 fees, it is now possible for any caver to take several registrations for the members of its club, commission or its federation. In this case, thank you to indicate in the fields first name, family name, address, the data of the person who centralizes the registrations for its club/federation with an order-number. For exemple :

01/Vulcain, 02/Vulcain ... 20/Vulcain, etc, with the same data for all. As soon as the persons from your club/federation confirm their presence at the congress, thank you to send their name and email to: contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr in order to include them in the registered database.

In the same way, any registered person who have an impossibility to come, can transfer with no extra fee to another person by sending the name and email of the new person to : contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr

2nd good news : It's now possible to pay by bank transfer.

Over the possibility to pay by Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) online on http://vercors2008.ffspeleo.fr/registration.htm#registernow, it now possible to pay by international bank transfer. You just need to send the following filled form (http://vercors2008.eu/organization/Reg-30May2007-V2008-biling-02.doc) to contact.vercors2008@ffspeleo.fr and make your bank transfer of the corresponding amount plus your bank transfer fees to FFS-Vercors2008 bank account which data you will find at the end of the form. Don't forget to put on your transfer header your first name and family name to identify it.

3rd good news : It will be possible to register directly on Vercors 2008 stands.

It will possible to register directly on the Vercors 2008 stands at the German congress (17-20 May), the French Congress (26-28 May), and then for the 2nd fees step on the Swedish Baltic Congress (13-15 August), the Swiss Congress (15-17 September) and the British Congress (21-23 September).

See you soon on Vercors 2008,

Have a good exploration in www.vercors2008.ffspeleo.fr,

Olivier Vidal
Secr. General FSUE