WARNING- Cwmystwyth Lefel Fawr


Well-known member
The safety of a party could be seriously compromised due to large boulders up on the right of the area where the second tube has been replaced with steel, these moved while I watched.
The area will eventually be made secure to allow safe passage, however advice in meantime is to stay away, if you must go in, use the long route, last turn on the right and up through the stopes.
Best to regard the mine as closed pending further advice.


Well-known member
He's OK, we have a sort of bizarre understanding.

Once he really slagged my lamps off, I sold 6 that week.


Lovely man


Active member
Just back from Cwmystwyth.  Had a poke at these boulders with my walking stick.  Could not shift them.  Shall we club together and buy Roy a pair of glasses?
A post has been made to Aberystwyth CC reporting that there seems to have been a new fall in the passage to the right of the crossroads beyond the second tube.

My understanding is that if you turn right, and climb up the stopes you would find the route back down to be blocked by the fall.

That means you can't bypass the dodgy rocks beyond the second tube.


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Well-known member
I will be in there this weekend. Second tube has gone, its now "Steelway Road".

If the words "second tube"  have been used, it hasn't been there for about 2 months. Its now in the chamber where the skip is awaiting transportation to a new destination.

I cannot see much from the photo, there has always been a fall of sorts there that you climb over, ducking under the hopper and trying not to bang your head as I always manage to do.

The photo by way, is from the other side of the fall. This area can be reached without spiriting your way through the fall by turning right before the new steel road/second tube area, left into 'the bell chamber', then left up a pile of attle and up through the stopes. Takes you onto the ladder shown in the photo.

Thanks for this input, all will be revealed Saturday.
Ah yes, I'm afraid second tube were my words. I've seen photos of what is there in place and it looks impressive!

In that case then hopefully there's no new obstacle. I'm afraid my memory of Cwmystwyth is fairly vague.


Well-known member
Things can look different in a photo depending on the angle, it certainly does look like a fall, but the timbers in that area appeared sound. It will be 3 weeks Saturday since I was last in there and there was no sign of movement last time in. Things usually start with a trickle through failing timber, "suddenly" is usually movie territory. You also get noises from stressed timber.

I am open minded and will report back. What I dread is more bloody work.


Well-known member
This has been followed on aditnow, the information is solid, this route is blocked, and as as we are going into the bat hibernation season nothing will be done until next spring.

I am therefore asking everyone to stay out until the steel road is open, at that time skipway and Roman Level will become accessible again, and upper ladderways can be gained by the circular route through the Bell Chamber without recourse to need the blocked route.

By the way, the boulders referred to previously in the thread did come down and have now been removed.

So, please stay out and keep out until further notice.

Landowners wishes.


Well-known member
This weekend I went round to the ladder side of the fall. The far stemple has failed allowing the ore pass to empty itself into the roadway. No sign of the galvanised bucket that hung on a rusting nail for about a century.

All is not lost. The ore pass is basically empty, which means that the fall can be cleared in entirety and stacked behind packwall at the forehead where it possibly wont even be noticed. I can block off the orepass with steel above the hopper in case more stuff comes down, replace the broken stemple and may even find the old bucket to return to its rightful place.

Off the ladder you can traverse across to where you can look down the orepass to the bottom.

The steel road by way is now finished, but I want people to say out until next month because of fresh concrete. There is floor level shutting held with cross stemples. Should be OK next month when  I knock the shuttering out, but wont harden properly for 6 months.

The way up to the upper stopes is clear by way of the Bell Chamber, last right before the steel road, and climb up the stopes to the main ladderway.