What caving huts are open in the Dales ?


New member
We're looking to get a weekend trip away at the start of October in the Dales. Does anyone know what huts are currently allowing visiting caving clubs to stay & what their arrangements are ? Would be looking at small numbers I expect ,as the grass seems to have grown under a lot of people's feet in the months away !!


New member
Thanks for the reply. I was sadly under that impression too, but was hoping there had been some movement on things.

Never thought I'd end up contemplating a night at Hotel Paradiso though !! Strange times indeed...


Staff member
If you are contemplating a few nights or more then all the holiday cottages are open for business.  At that time of year there are always a few deals to be done. 


New member
We're just looking at a standard Fri & Sat night trip.

We might have a few more quid in our pockets now the pubs shut at 10pm but I'm not sure we could afford their deposits for all the mud...


Staff member
Have you seen these - two new glamping pods at the Hill Inn



Staff member
Ian Ball said:
Or you could join a club, they aren't expensive.

No harm in joining a club but even for members club hut accommodation in the Dales is very limited.

Ian P

Staff member

The Dalesbridge ?cabins? are basic and quite well suited to a bit of mud.



Well-known member
The YSS will shortly* be opening every other weekend to non-members. Accommodation will be very limited - 2 "holiday" cottages, one accommodating 2 socially-distanced 'bubbles' and one accommodating 1 'bubble'. It'll be ?10 per person per night with a minimum of 2 nights and only available from Thursday evenings until Monday mornings. At that rate we will be making a substantial loss when heating goes on in winter, but we just want to help out a bit. More info to follow shortly.

* i.e. as soon as I have half and hour or so to tweak a few things.


New member
Thanks for all the info. Hopefully YSS will reopen in time then ! If not Dalesbridge could be a good option.

We're from a caving club based outside of any caving area, so have to travel to Mendips, Wales, & the Dales for trips. It's not really practical get all our members to join a variety of other caving clubs, although I can see that it would resolve these current issues !


Active member
AndyP said:
Thanks for all the info. Hopefully YSS will reopen in time then !

The YSS hut is opening to non members.  I believe it has been announced on this website somewhere.  It's a different arrangement to before.  They have spilt the hut into 3 'holiday cottages' with separate toilets and cooking facilities and you and your bubble can book one or more of them.

If you need the SRT room you have to book the 'upstairs cottage'.


Well-known member
zzzzzzed said:
The YSS hut is opening to non members.  I believe it has been announced on this website somewhere.
A few posts up on this thread actually.

It's a different arrangement to before.  They have spilt the hut into 3 'holiday cottages' with separate toilets and cooking facilities and you and your bubble can book one or more of them.
There are actually 2 holiday cottages. 1 can accommodate 1 bubble and the other can accommodate 2 socially-distanced bubbles up to a maximum of 6 people. Each bubble has separate toilets, showers, cooking and sleeping areas. The charge will be for a minimum of 2 nights at ?10pppn and accommodation will be available from 4pm on Thursdays through to 10am Mondays (to allow 72+ hours between bubbles).

The building will remain members-only for 2 weekends each month. Thus, with immediate effect, non-members can book for any of the following long weekends (or a minimum of any 2 days within each period):

1-5 October
8-12 October
15-19 October
29 October-2 November
5 -9 November
19-23 November
3-7 December

I suspect anything beyond then might be wishful thinking at this stage (in fact anything beyond this coming weekend might well be wishful thinking, but I am forever the optimist!)

You can book by e-mailing: hutbookings [insert the 'at' symbol here] yssuk [insert a 'dot' here] com


Active member
I've sent an enquiry to the YSS email yesterday for availability over 29 October-2 November.

Does anyone know roughly how long before confirmation? Not sure if those dates are booked already or not.



Well-known member
christine said:
Does anyone know roughly how long before confirmation?
Hi Christine
You should have just received a reply.

There is still plenty of space if anyone else fancies a weekend away at any point (although it sounds like the government might be about to tighten things up, so we might get have to close again).
CPC (Craven) have limited facilities for members. At present we have facilities for two bubbles (ie Riverside and Ivy, for those who know), with a 72 hour rest between, for members. We also have a fallow system for caving tackcle.
We also have a booking system for campervans etc which allows acccess to relevant facilities & hookup.

There are resitictions on dormitory usage which complicates hut usage and guidelines around cleaning shared facilities (kitchens, toilets etc) , which again complicate matters.

Don't underestimate peoples 'head in the sand' to covid (or other risks!)

There must be a temptation to bend the rules, but given the way COVID is heading (unless you subscribe to a Trump type approach) and I'm sure clubs are thinking carefully about moral as well as legal responsibility.

If you fiddle with the data on https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/cases  you can get an 11 fold increase in cases and a 5 fold increase in % positivity of tests, increasing hospital & icu admissions and deaths. We should be careful if we don't want April to like like a good time!