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Agen Allwedd and Draenen access

I was wondering whatehr you require leaders for the above caves.
Also I was told one had a combination lock, and was wondering where I can get the code and or a key where appropriate.

Also I have not got caving south wales to hand but do you require leaders for these caves?

Also being a budding new underground photographer, is there anywhere specifically you think I should visit to get some kewl shots in either of the above caves.


Active member
Aggie - Turkey streamway is very pretty, and the main passage is good for some shots, but you need several flashes as the passage is large. When I tried with 2 flashguns it had very little effect.
Draenan - there are pretties, but have only been there once and don't know where I went. Sorry


Regards access, Aggy is a key gate and you can get a key from various people as long as you are a member of a club and Draenen is a combination lock which you can get the code from certain people if you are in a club. I havnt found my way past the first boulder choke in Aggy yet but have been on a few trips in Draenen, good trips are down to the Riflemans chamber dig if you like water!!! or to St Davids hall. Amazingly pretty gypsum crystals all over chambers if you go to mid winter chambers towards the Reactor. If you dont mind a bit of a crawl then the best pretty stuff is in Daren Cilau, go to the Antlers, only about 5 hr trip and lots of really nice pretties especially if you go through Urchin Oxbow - amazing. Anyway hope this helps.


New member
Steve King's Draenen description is excellent. Loads of pretty bits, and some huge stuff too. Thoroughly enjoyed a trip to the NE recently (KUMB and 6th Heaven) - navigation's a doddle which is nice; Dollimore series is a long walk but stunning - hard to find though; the round trip is an awesome trip - again lots of navigation; Gilwern Passage is pretty and easy to find - not been up there far but I know that's where Brendan went.

Mr Ferret - once you've got to St David's Hall, you may as well just finish the round trip - it's not much further and you get to do Agent Blorenge which is FANTASTIC fun. Just don't get scared in Squirrel rifts!

You don't need a leader for either cave you mention. Don't really know Aggy too well

Hope that helps