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Slovenia - ticks and Tick borne Encephalitis


Anyone know much about this topic. 

Is it worth shelling out for a vaccine. (think it costs about ?65 a jab).

Off there with the kids in August.
Far from an expert on this Sam - but I do know where to find the right info.

Quick summary: prevention in terms of repellent, covering up, vigilance and not using unpasteurised milk is a good starter. 6 cases of TBE in the UK since 2012 - all from Eastern Europe. Vaccine advised for travellers at risk (camping, hiking in forested areas).  In terms of Slovenia then ticks will be active in August, particular areas are in the north provinces of Gorenjska and Koroska. If you want to have it you may need to get a shift on - multiple doses needed although possible to have them close together and still get a good level of protection.

If I was you I'd get your practice nurse or pharmacist to call NaTHNaC (now known as Travel Health Pro) for advice. They have reduced their opening hours - so time it between 9 and 11 or 1 to 2pm.



I would watch out for Lymes as well, sadly there's no vaccine. A few friends of mine got Lymes camping near Laze on a caving trip. Spraying permithrin on your clothes apparently kills them before they've had much time to bite you but it will kill cats if they brush up against your clothes (its like VX for cats) and its very toxic to fish so don't go paddling.


Well-known member
When me, Speleotron, and lots of the other Ex & current Yorkies went out to Slovenia (9years ago). A tick had crawled up one of the guys legs and lodged itself in his private parts.


Active member
alastairgott said:
When me, Speleotron, and lots of the other Ex & current Yorkies went out to Slovenia (9years ago). A tick had crawled up one of the guys legs and lodged itself in his private parts.

Did you pull it off?


Well-known member
Speleotron said:
I would watch out for Lymes as well, sadly there's no vaccine. A few friends of mine got Lymes camping near Laze on a caving trip. Spraying permithrin on your clothes apparently kills them before they've had much time to bite you but it will kill cats if they brush up against your clothes (its like VX for cats) and its very toxic to fish so don't go paddling.

Amata Hinkle seems to think there may be a vaccine against Lyme (not Lymes disease. It is named after the town of Lyme in Connecticut (itself named after Lyme Regis in Dorset) where it was originally identified after an outbreak of what appeared at the time to be a form of arthriitis in children.  For those who are interested in trivia the organism is a spirochaete (the same sort of organism that causes syphilis).


Interesting to note that Weil's disease, another that cavers can contract is also caused by a spirochaete which is not an organism you hear about much. I recall some years ago a fellow "survivor" in a television series managed to pick up a number of ticks in one day, in Devon. 


Well-known member
JasonC said:
alastairgott said:
A tick had crawled up one of the guys legs and lodged itself in his private parts.

I have a very good photo of such a thing taken in the course of my work.  We removed it safely with no after effects. This photo  will have to remain in my archives.

I'll get me coat.....


So, got an appointment with the Nurse this arvo to discuss the vaccines.

However, from my research and the Sheffield Hallamshire Travel Clinic website, you need 3 jabs per person at 65? a jab - so thats ?780 quid!!!!!!!  :mad:

Not sure whether or not to proceed with it or not as it has added considerably to the cost of a already 'not cheap' holiday.



mrodoc said:
Just take precautions. I bet the locals aren't vaccinated!

Just as a followup - we have opted for the jabs.  ::)  My better half wont relax on holiday if she thought there was any chance etc. I'd niggle at her.

Most locals are vaccinated, if they work/spend a lot of time out doors. (I spoke to a local national park worker).  The vaccinations are a lot cheaper there though!!
