Thank you for a quick reply wormster. I understood that the quarry was one of the easiest challenges as so many inexperienced individuals visited the site. Those very same ones who have spoilt the experience, mainly because of their unacceptable and disrespectful approach, bringing down beer and organising parties, getting lost and then making claims against generous people of the Quarrymans arms or the lady who just owns the land leading up to Back door (easiest way in), triggered a wave of precautions against this site. It is a piece of history and shall not be so easily abandoned because of a few kids. If anything, all the grills installed and sealed gates shall now filter out the ones who should have never been allowed in at the first place. I was hoping to find a contact here with the same view and respect that I have. When I saw photos of the "Cathedral" I knew this place is not like the others. All the artefacts left behind by the quarry men, writings on the wall is something I must see. I am now researching the Swan Mine you suggested, but my thoughts of the Freestone mine will not get easily redirected. Thank you, V