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Batemans shaft


The water levels are low in batemans at the moment and having been on my to-do list for a while we are planning on heading down over the weekend.Just wondered if anyone on here had been down before and what they rigged off.Had a quick walk down for a look but couldn't see any spit placements or bolts.


Well-known member
I've not been down it but I've looked up it; it drops onto Lathkilldale Sough.


Thats the one.Its unseasonably dry at the moment down there.If you looked up am i missing something?I popped into the adit behind to have a look at the whinze with the grill over, which i belive links to the sough, but the  spits looked abit dated,3 in total,and the grill is HEAVY! Rigging of the railings around batemans looks like a better option.

mr goose

Couple of us had a quick look down there last week after a trip into Mandale. You can rig off spits on the left wall with a backup to the steps / railings. There are a pair of spits a couple of metres out in a bigger block which should give a decent hang but we didn't spot these until coming out. We dropped down nearer the railings and had to use a rope protector for a rub point. The gate can be opened with a Derbyshire key to make access a little easier, although not essential (obviously needs to be nipped up tight at all times in a location like this). Had a quick explore up and downstream wading to about waist deep with airspace reducing ahead but we were out of time so didn't push it (excuses....!). Might try a return visit armed with neoprene if I get a chance before things return to normal.


New member
Three of us from MCG, explored Lathkilldale Sough for the first time, way back in 1991 and we descended the shaft at the end of the level, which has a dog-leg and is 75 ft deep(approx). There was a spit about halfway down. We were using ladders/abseil I seem to remember (I descended first) and the ladder was a bit short(improvised)! I paced out the distance downstream from this shaft to where the water was up to the roof (there is an offset shaft to surface at this point) at 1070 feet approx. I produced a sketch survey and noted there was a (very) short side level and a short natural section downstream. Stand up walking passage (approx 3ft width) wading all the way. Airspace varied(minimum approx 15 inches). One thing I do remember was that the water in the sough was extremely cold, which was a bit of a surprise, considering you are not that far underground. Upstream(passage larger, width 5ft approx) you soon reach a roomy chamber & Batemans Shaft(60 ft deep approx). I noted there was some red modern graffiti in this chamber! A short distance beyond the chamber you reach a wall blocking the passage, which had water trickling over top. There are two other short passages in vicinity of chamber, both blocked. I took a few photos (slides) downstream.
I explored the sough a second time in the 1990's and I seem to remember we measured downstream with a fibron tape and distance was about the same, as I had paced out!
Hope you have a good trip.
Paul  :)     
