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New Cave in Ystradfellte ?

While at the Landlord of the New Inn  in Ystradfellte retirement party (free booze!) the locals were saying that a  big new cave had been discovered in the Hepste valley with pitches and  stals -apparently the landowner has got pics on his face book -anybody know any details -is this another Gandon Vanmor venture? Chris Crowley
Hi Chris,

Heard similar rumours some time ago from a couple of independent sources. Asked around but came up with nothing positive.

The fact that the discovery (if it exists) has not been made public yet suggests that it is being kept quiet for a reason.

Perhaps it would be best not to say too much on here for now, thereby respecting the wishes of those who have found it?

If you want to know more then just go for a wander around and see what you come up with - it's more fun that way!


Well I found the entrance to the new cave with a nice new painted gate on it -hope it goes somewhere as it is at the grit boundary -typically caves that have devleoped fom poly cells just under the grit eventually close down without connecting to a main system eg Ogof Fynnon/ lewis quarry pot cave - who has the key ? can we have a look down it?

Wow! Whata shitstorm my last blog created ! had BNC`s on the phone all day –Nig was right ‘go find the entrance  it will be more fun’- must be som`at goin` on?. There must though  be  concern that a system has been gated unilaterally without apparently being discusssed with the Cambrian CC or the S >Wales Access  Officer, obviously  the rights and wishes of the landowner should be respected (and also the interests of others who have have done prior work). Hopefully someday the issues will be resolved -can`t say more (unless you buy me a pint at  HE - just joking of course!) –Chris (Croydon CC) even had Ali Garman wanting to know if the gate looled like the missing Draenen ones (it doesnt)
Big Nosed Caver?

(Not the specific one usually found sat on his backside in front of the fire though!)
Rhys said:
What's a BNC by the way?

Apparently it stands for "Big Name Caver".

I suppose "well-known" or "respected" or "long-standing" might be alternative terms.

rsch said:
Big Nosed Caver?

(Not the specific one usually found sat on his backside in front of the fire though!)

The individual you're thinking of qualifies on only 50% of the description, though, so it can't have been him.
The new cave as you describe it shall be shortly no more. Upon arriving there last Wed we discovered the gate had been hacked at and the lock smashed off. This was remedied over the weekend with a new plate added to the front & a hasp added to the inside. No lock was used just a screwdriver so it could be easily removed.

We entered the cave at 4pm this evening to push an inlet near the entrance and by 6 when we were leaving the gate had been torn off leaving just one hinge & no sign of the gate.

It's my understanding the landowner is now threatening to concrete over the entrance therefore preventing access to all. I can only assume this was the intention of the idiot that did this.

Gareth  :furious:
But I thought that the only people who removed gates in South Wales were honourable types who have only our best interests at heart.  :doubt:

Or am I missing something?  :unsure:
Maybe, if the people who had discovered this cave had gone public, and informed everyone how to gain access; then cavers night not have felt compelled to tear the gate off. When are these idiots going to get the message, let people in or suffer the consequences. Hopefully, if they get a new gate in place AND let everybody know how to easily gain access, the landowner might come back onside.
Ship-badger said:
Maybe, if the people who had discovered this cave had gone public, and informed everyone how to gain access; then cavers night not have felt compelled to tear the gate off. When are these idiots going to get the message, let people in or suffer the consequences. Hopefully, if they get a new gate in place AND let everybody know how to easily gain access, the landowner might come back onside.

yeah right.  ::)

When will cavers realise that they do not have a god-given right to access someone else's land.

Compelled to tear the gate off what a complete load of crap.
I support Graham. Patience seems to be a virtue in short supply nowadays. I would like to visit the cave sometime. I am nearly 60 and one might think I wouldn't be that patient considering my caving days ahead may be rather less than those behind me. I suspect those posting are a lot younger than me and can go caving rather more often. Go and find another cave to play/dig in until access has been sorted out. If Otter Hole had been gated originally it wouldn't have been so badly damaged and same applies to Dog Hole in Devon and a number of other caves. I used to grumble in my youth about access but always respected gates. I hope we are not going back to the bad old days of the 70's when some people seemed to think it was their god given right to remove gates. Our dig is gated so  perhaps you'd all like to come and have a go at that and ruin any chance of making a significant find. Rant over :)
Ship-badger said:
then cavers night not have felt compelled to tear the gate off.

The people who ripped the gate out are vandals who just happen to be cavers.

'When are these idiots going to realise' that they are putting their own selfish desires before the general good of caving.
The people who discovered the cave did not go public as they were in the process of negotiating a proper access agreement. The cave entrance is on private land and the owner had given permission only for the diggers to enter. I understand that they are trying to re-open discussions for general access but the actions of some stupid turd may well have fucked that. 
It is perfectly possible to "go public" and tell people that full access will hopefully be available when negotiations are completed. Keeping things secret just leads some people to gain trhe impression, albeit perhaps wrongly, that access is being unfairly restricted. People need to be far more open about their discoveries nowadays, because the internet makes it almost impossible to keep things secret for very long.
Are landowners in the south of England more "anti" access than those in the north; or is it the cavers?
Ship-badger said:
Are landowners in the south of England more "anti" access than those in the north; or is it the cavers?

Last time I was there, Ystrafellte was in Wales. However, no, landowners in Southern England are by no means "anti-access" but they are aware that most caves are on agricultural land rather than moorland and are much closer to centres of population, hence they tend to be more careful about what they allow.
Ship-badger said:
It is perfectly possible to "go public" and tell people that full access will hopefully be available when negotiations are completed. Keeping things secret just leads some people to gain trhe impression, albeit perhaps wrongly, that access is being unfairly restricted. People need to be far more open about their discoveries nowadays, because the internet makes it almost impossible to keep things secret for very long.

So nobody can exercise self restraint any longer????????????