Important Cave Dates in the UK


New member
Can ya'all do me a huge favor and post the dates for the large cave events there for 2011?
(Wench meets, any conventions ya'all have, stuff like that)
I am hoping to include the dates in the calendar my friends and I are making.
If you could post 'em here by Saturday that'd be terrific since I want to start a test print run then :)


Hidden Earth (national caving conference) is end of September, date not confirmed  :(
CHECC (University clubs conference/student pissup) doesn't seem to have been arranged yet, Ian (ian.p) might know.
Gaping Gill winch meets are 28/5-3/6 (BPC) and probably 20-29/8 (CPC)


New member
Awww :(
Well thanks! Keep the dates coming :) I wanted to include UK dates since I know some folks over there who want this calendar. And so far, we just have all our American stuff on it (MVOR/VAR, TAG, NSS convention, NCRC weeklong...etc) and I just added the winch dates for ya'all.


New member
graham said:
Speaking as an Old Timer, shouldn't you have OTR in your US dates?
Ooh thank you! I knew I was forgetting something! I just looked it up and I'm not seeing any dates set for that yet, though.

And I thought it was called the Wench Meets. What am I missing? I am so confused now. Help a poor 'merican with your Brit words?


New member
Amy said:
graham said:
Speaking as an Old Timer, shouldn't you have OTR in your US dates?
Ooh thank you! I knew I was forgetting something! I just looked it up and I'm not seeing any dates set for that yet, though.

Usually Labor Day weekend IIRC