Scurion trip report: Crow's Cave


New member
Hope you don't mind but I'm terrible at trip reports, so I thought I'd try a trip report using poetry instead :)

Early start at cave camp,
Russian voices harsh to the ear,
Sleepless night,
Running through my head all night,
Nerves frayed,
Drysuits on,
3 bags given,
Far too heavy,
I'll never manage,
Don't admit it, keep going,
Descender threaded,
Down to sump,

Queueing chest deep in water,
Bags pulled through,
Loose line amongst the water,
My turn,
Lay in water,
Stare forwards,
Holes in drysuit begin to leak,
Mask over eyes, sealed in,
Five metres waterfilled,
Deep breathes,
Keep the panic inside,
Don't show it,
Only one way,
Don't look back,
Last breath,
Head under,

Coldness presses into head, through balaclava,
Roof nudges back,
Pull harder,
Eyes open,
Stare forwards,
Clamp mouth tightly,
Hand over hand,
Walls pinch together,
Roll body onto side,
No panic, no breathe left, one last pull,
Rippled light shines above,
Surface, laughter, foreign chatter,
Moment gone, onwards to next camp,