• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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18650 Carrying Tubes


New member
Does anyone have a source for robust and waterproof tubes for carrying individual spare 18650 batteries underground?


I think Biff (CustomDuo / Little Monkey / Rude Nora) used to sell plastic bottle preforms as a 'cave proof' carrier for single 18650 cells.
Had a quick look on his website and can't see them anymore, but you should be able to get them from a search online.
They are this kind of thing - Bottle Preforms on Etsy

From memory they were fairly robust as the plastic shell is quite thick, but not brittle, and the caps are waterproof like all plastic drink bottles.
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Well-known member
Tony Seddon at Starless River may have some, as I bought one from him once - large test-tube size.


Message the Rude Nora guy. I got some from him, they aren't on the website but I believe you can ask for them and he will send


Universal containers for pathological specimens are perfect ie piss sample tubes. Waterproof, bash proof etc. Unused ones preferably


New member
I recently ordered a load of 18650 batteries from 18650.co.uk and they came in these storage tubes for free; they’re pretty bullet-proof and if you were to gaffa tape around the lid they’d certainly be waterproof enough to go in a case or Daren drum. They have a reasonable sized plug in the top; an o ring or similar would likely be perfect for keeping them dry!



Active member
How about these:

One on each end sealed with tape *might* be waterproof, it’d more than likely be very difficult to short the cells if they were loose ina Darren drum