A cracking little holiday film


Staff member
We managed a successful Mulu expedition in January before the pandemic took hold.  It was a real fun trip with a great team.  We were short on time and hadn't really intended to make a film but Toby Buxton pulled together a few clips into this short masterpiece which gives a flavour of caving under Benerat.




PeteHall said:
I was liking the look of that until it got to the HUGE snake and spider at the end!  :eek:

Mark was making good use of a wide-angle lens - I would say the snake was "medium sized". The spider was certainly quite big though!  :LOL:

Thanks to Toby for putting it together. It's great having short films like this to look back on and reminisce by. Shame he won't register on the forum though... :spank:


Well-known member
"Thanks to Toby for putting it together. It's great having short films like this to look back on and reminisce by. Shame he won't register on the forum though... :spank:"


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Well-known member
PeteHall said:
I was liking the look of that until it got to the HUGE snake and spider at the end!  :eek:

I have seen half a dozen Racers weaving about in a small blowhole waiting to catch something flying through. Induces a somewhat pensive attitude to forward progress, but needs must.

Meeting a porcupine is worse, and the pigs are an existential menace.

We found a big toad under Stop Pot in the streamway a week or so back. It looked a bit put out sat there on a rock.

It?s a nice video. On another topic, can I ask if the new high level in Clearwater is at the same level as the bottom of Solo, or even higher?


Well-known member
Mega vid, well done. I wish all expeditions had someone who made the time to put one of these together. Gives much more of a feel for the trip than photos.  (y)


Staff member
On another topic, can I ask if the new high level in Clearwater is at the same level as the bottom of Solo, or even higher?

The high level passages in southern Clearwater are generally around 50m below the entrance to Solo - considerably above the bottom as it's a 150m shaft (survex vertical depth).  At the end of the levels one passage rises up to 40m above the entrance to Solo.  Not 100% sure how accurate the position of Solo actually is but it'll be somewhere near.


Good point, Badlad. On the 2017 expedition to Creedence (via the High Noon entrance), a helicopter photo of Solo showed it to be alongside our chosen path to High Noon but we couldn't find it. We searched and searched but the heavily dolined forest foiled all early efforts. On the last trip back down the cliff / escarpment, Mark B and Will P found it - hiding in plain view as is often the case. The top of the huge doline that holds the High Noon entrance at its foot must be on a near level to the lip of Solo.


Well-known member
Badlad said:
On another topic, can I ask if the new high level in Clearwater is at the same level as the bottom of Solo, or even higher?

The high level passages in southern Clearwater are generally around 50m below the entrance to Solo - considerably above the bottom as it's a 150m shaft (survex vertical depth).  At the end of the levels one passage rises up to 40m above the entrance to Solo.  Not 100% sure how accurate the position of Solo actually is but it'll be somewhere near.

It would be fun if Solo connected to something, but it probably needs an enthusiastic shaft-sinking and scaffolding team with a deep fondness for karst landscapes and wildlife.


Active member
Cracking video.

I like videos which manage to illustrate the human spirit, and this compilation certainly does.

How every team member is given a title, hehe, even "Expedition Sage", haha and "Expedition Dustbin"  it shows the excellent camaraderie among a group of close mates..... having fun in a serious cave.

Great feel good short movie...Thank you for sharing.....



Mark Wright

Well-known member
Duck ditch said:
Smart pitch into the big stuff.  Cracking little movie.  Oh no marks a veteran these days  :LOL:

It has its advantages. I usually only have to carry some nuts, chocolate and a bottle of e-liquid.
