New member
Hi all
Just wanted to mention our shop ActionStash in case it's useful to any folks - offering some more affordable options to the caving gear market in the UK. Owned and run by a caving couple in Lancashire, we've got a selection of tackle bags, oversuits, wetsocks and a few other bits and bobs, and will be expanding the range shortly.
We offer free shipping on orders over £40, and you can pay by card or crypto.
For UKCaving users, we've set up the discount code UKC5 which will give a £5 discount on any order over £50.
Happy adventures!
Just wanted to mention our shop ActionStash in case it's useful to any folks - offering some more affordable options to the caving gear market in the UK. Owned and run by a caving couple in Lancashire, we've got a selection of tackle bags, oversuits, wetsocks and a few other bits and bobs, and will be expanding the range shortly.
We offer free shipping on orders over £40, and you can pay by card or crypto.
For UKCaving users, we've set up the discount code UKC5 which will give a £5 discount on any order over £50.
Happy adventures!