• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Advert - telephone conferencing


Well-known member
I hope that other readers don't think this is inappropriate advertising, but I have no personal interest in this and I'm offering it in the spirit that club committees etc. who might not have previously considered (or even known about) telephone conferencing could find it useful.

The following has come my way by recommendation from someone else in the caving community. I won't say who, but I know that they have no personal financial interest in it either. Personally, since I already have a telephone conferencing facility at my office, this is probably a service I am unlikely to use, but others who do not have the same access through their work could well find this useful.

If you have a need to gather a group of people together, travelling to physical locations is not always the easiest or best option. Community Conferencing offers you an alternative through the telephone network.

All you need to do is register for a room, inform people of the telephone number and room number... then arrange a time for everyone to dial in. 

Once you own a room it is yours to keep forever, whether you use it for personal or professional reasons, and regardless of where your personal or professional travels take you.

Using Community Conferencing will give you more time to do other things, it will save you and/or your organisation money, it is a greener way to meet people, and it is an easy system to use.

The only cost anyone incurs for this system is the price of the telephone call. No one will ever pay Community Conferencing anything. Registration is free, annual subscription is free, and using all 10 in-conference features is free. The cost of the telephone call is exactly the same as any other 0870 call you make now, and you pay for the call through your existing telephone contract.

If you have a telephone and a dislike for traffic jams, delayed trains, petrol prices, road works, early morning starts, late night finishes or a combination of these, Community Conferencing gives you a cheap and easy alternative.

If you want to find out more, sign up and even start using, please visit my new company at <http://www.community-conferencing.co.uk>.

Yours sincerely

Ian Mynors

I have certainly found my own facility invaluable for certain BCA activities, and it has saved me a considerable amount of time and travel expense. I am sure there are other services available and anyone who knows of one might like to post a link here, so that people who have not already come across this sort of service can learn some more about it.



I'd use something like Skype - that way it can be done for free if you have web access, but can also include people who only have phones.


Well-known member
I use Skype regularly, but I have to say I don't use it for 'customer facing' calls where I want to be sure of a clear connection and making a professional impression because my experience is that it can be a bit flaky. Of course, I don't know if this new offering is any better but if it uses standard telephone service rather than VoIP then my expectation is that it would be.

In this context, I also wouldn't be surprised if there were a few technophobic commitee members about for whom a system which uses a normal phone might be manageable, whereas a system that involves talking to your computer might be beyond comprehension!
