AI Wezzit


Well-known member
I am not responsible for what the machine produced. I have no sympathy with this thread and only answered by accident (I am still trying to get into Ogof Draenen by way of Bull Pot or Little Neath, as the machine suggested).

I think this is just about an impossible clue.

AI rubbish.jpg


Well-known member
Pool sink?
Good effort, but too rational. One word is correct.

Reasons I think the clue is almost unanswerable:

1 The machine does not understand Welsh, so to get any half meaningful output the name had to be translated.
2 The answer is not a cave but a rather nice little karst landform.
3 The site is perhaps a bit obscure, although within a few metres of a well used public route.
4 Worst of all, what is that young lady doing there? Only one bit of her might be associated with the answer. The machine seems to want to put young ladies into most suggestions.

At least the site is on the cave registry.

With a bit of effort I got a better clue generated, I'll post that last thing tonight. I am very sceptical about this whole thing and don't want to waste too much time on this nonsense.


Well-known member
Here is another alternative
AI  Rubbish 2.jpg

This one is even less helpful. Now I start to understand how AI thinks one entrance to Ogof Draenen is in Yorkshire


Well-known member
I wonder if this AI machine is in fact a frustrated poet. Does it understand rhyme? Here is another alternative, with of course an unnecessary girl, but one physical characteristic it shares with the first image does I guess derive from the clue given - it rhymes.
AI rubbish 3.jpg


Well-known member
I am just going into a Zoomed ResearchNet meeting and will not be available until this afternoon. So as not to prolong the agony here is a clue that makes the problem easy (or at least much easier).

Both girls have ---- ----
Standing in the pool is a ---- ----

The colour is the same, the last word rhymes.

The answer would be acceptable in Welsh or English.



Well-known member
Between Addy, who made the crucial identification of a Mare, and PeteHall who got the colour right, all the words are there. It is the Pool of the Grey Mare - Pwll y Gaseg Lwyd, near Abersychan. Grey Hair rhymes with Grey Mare. I have no idea how the machine came up with this, but it suggests its language interpretation is a bit more complicated than I thought. Good luck to Addy with the next clue.

It is a collapse doline on the Coal Measures that has been projected upwards from solution in the limestone. It is usually a more or less permanent pool. The grey mare owned by the farmer's son used to drink from it, but one morning he found a thirsty horse, all the water in the pool had disappeared overnight. The photo on the Cave Registry was taken from the nearby cycleroute between Abersychan and Blaenavon.
Pwll y Gaseg Lwyd


Active member
Ignore the pen and arrows etc. that’s nothing to do with the name. I just screenshotted it and couldn’t work out how to get rid of them.
