AI Wezzit

Tricky Dicky

Active member
Here we go:


I have noticed that this thread is tending towards "cryptic cave images"
Not surprising really, as the AI image generator only has the words of the name to go on, without any context, so that's basically all it will ever be. Unless you go for an extremely well documented cave, in which case, it might come up with something based on other images it finds online.
I didn't save the image, but I put "Wookey Hole" in a while ago and got a river flowing out from under a cliff and passing to the left-hand side of the image. In the cliff, above and to the right of the resurgence pool was a cave in the cliff. It was obviously not actually Wookey, but the features were extremely similar, so I can only imagine that it was using other images of the real Wookey as a guide. This was in fact the inspiration for my earlier suggestion of trying to make it draw a picture that actually looked like the cave, however, I found it virtually impossible to get anything vaguely sensible out of it and have given up trying this approach...


Well-known member
However, the village of wookey is further away from the hole. Earlier forms of the name were "Ochie" or "Ochy", supposedly derived from ogof


Well-known member
However, the village of wookey is further away from the hole. Earlier forms of the name were "Ochie" or "Ochy", supposedly derived from ogof
Yes, so Wookey Hole Cave is Cave Cave Cave. (I accept this has always been open to argument!)


Well-known member
Not surprising really, as the AI image generator only has the words of the name to go on, without any context, so that's basically all it will ever be. Unless you go for an extremely well documented cave, in which case, it might come up with something based on other images it finds online.
I didn't save the image, but I put "Wookey Hole" in a while ago and got a river flowing out from under a cliff and passing to the left-hand side of the image. In the cliff, above and to the right of the resurgence pool was a cave in the cliff. It was obviously not actually Wookey, but the features were extremely similar, so I can only imagine that it was using other images of the real Wookey as a guide. This was in fact the inspiration for my earlier suggestion of trying to make it draw a picture that actually looked like the cave, however, I found it virtually impossible to get anything vaguely sensible out of it and have given up trying this approach...
You can use a more extended description, at least with most generators I have tried. So you can take the name of the cave, deconstruct it into its components, and then construct a longer textual description and hope the machine will do better with this. In the past I have not bothered to do this, but have played around for a few minutes this morning. One thing I noticed is that the machine is very sensitive to the order and placement of adjectives -the English language is generally fairly tolerant about this. So you might need to several word orders to get a good result.

Here is a result I got from a whole sentence, using what I think was Tricky Dicky's clue.
Monday 20th 3.jpg


You can use a more extended description, at least with most generators I have tried. So you can take the name of the cave, deconstruct it into its components, and then construct a longer textual description and hope the machine will do better with this
Part of the fun of it (for me at least), is the bizarre way it interprets the words of the cave name, so I've made a point of using just the cave name, nothing more. The only exception is that I always omit the word "cave" or "cavern" as invariably, the AI takes the word as the main descriptor and ignores the words of the cave name.

I suppose trying to get the AI to do something more sensible or predictable would be a different sort of fun, but as @ChrisB says, this takes it more into the realm of a "cryptic cave image", not that I think that really matters for the pointless entertainment that this thread provides :)

Tricky Dicky

Active member
It was indeed OFD (Black spring cave), I'd run out of free uses from the AI generator that I had been using so went with a different one, apologies I should have tried harder. Anyway, over to Graigwen, (whose image was far better).

PS Any recomendations for a good AI image generator???


Well-known member
It was indeed OFD (Black spring cave), I'd run out of free uses from the AI generator that I had been using so went with a different one, apologies I should have tried harder. Anyway, over to Graigwen, (whose image was far better).

PS Any recomendations for a good AI image generator???
I like these bilingual clues. There has been one sitting around unsolved on the Cryptic Caves thread for almost a week, can you name Britain's longest cave system and subtract one from it ? Cryptic Caves

I'll be back in a few minutes with a nice clue to a well known English cave.


Well-known member
I'd been thinking 3 Counties System, subtract one makes two. It's 4,3,3 so I'm thinking of twin rather than two for the first word, but if its bilingual I'll have to think again.........................
Your first sentence is correct. Your final phrase is correct. Better hurry over to the Cryptic Caves thread where Andy is trying to give the answer away.