• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

AI Wezzit

Popular cave, should be easy. Extra bonus points for its original name - both names included in image.
Cave AI 2.jpg
in the image.
Sludge Pit Hole (Contour Cave) ??????
Correct, I didn't think it would take long, deliberately easy since might not be able to respond for a few days.

For a little more info - one of the original diggers that first broke into Contour Cavern as it was known then (later Boveways Cave before being called Sludge Pit Hole) still digs with Atlas twice a week.
Neither Escalator rift nor Space Mine. To my eye it looks as if its going horizontal, rather than vertical, not that it makes any difference as far as the clue is concerned....................