• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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New member
UNCC is off caving to Austria this Summer and I was wondering if anyone has any info on the caves out there please.  Are there any guide books - preferably English, but German if not or are there any trip reports on any club's web pages that describe good trips in detail that anyone knows of please?
Sorry Gemma - all except are all in German:

75 JAHRE L7ANDESVEREIN F?R H?HLENKUNDE IN SALZBURG pub as a special issue of die H?hle 2/1986 pp 25 - 135 26 illus.  A fascinating history of the Salzburg Caving Club with good accounts of early explorations.  In German ?6.00

ALEXANDER VON M?RK 1887 - 1914 Der entdecker der Eisriesenwelt als Maler by Nikolaus Schaffer 1987  27 pp 19 B&W 20 colour photos.  The is a luxurious book, printed on art paper, to commemorate the birth of Alexander von M?rk, the discoverer of the Eisriesenwelt Ice Cave, near Salzburg in Austria.  Alexander von M?rk was a noted artist and many of his painting illustrating local caves are reproduced herein.  Complete with potted biography, this is an interesting account of a famous Austrian caver, tragically killed in the first months of the Great War.  HB In German.  ?25.00

BEITR?GE ZUR METEOROLOGIE DER HERMANNSH?HLE IN KIRHBERG AM WECHSEL by Andreas Tiesner 1993  82 pp figs large pull out survey.  A contribution to the Meteorology of this famous cave in Lower Austria.  SB In German ?13.00
Die Eisriesenwelt im Tennengebirge (Salzburg). Georg Kyrle Verlag Spelaeologisches Institut, Vienna, 1926 (Spelaeologische Monographien volume 6). 25 cm, 145 pp, 48 pls. In German. Cover torn and binding slightly damaged at top of spine, bookplate in front, good.  ?25.00

DIE DRACHENH?HLE BEI MIXNITZ von O Abel u G Kyrle 1931  xxiv + 953 pp  200 plates 76 figs numerous tables.  Spel?olgische Monographien Band VII, VIII  This is a monograph on a famous Austrian Cave, and visited by Nagel in 1747.  In 2 volumes.  Uncut, never been read! SB In German ?125.00

DIE HERMANNSH?HLE / in Nieder?sterreich by Helga and Wilhelm Hartmann and Heinrich Mrkos / Wien 1997  264 pp 93 colour photos, B&W illus, surveys etc.  The most famous cave in lower Austria.  Known for about 200 years, this monograph is well illustrated with old cave engravings and anecdotes from pioneer cavers.  All aspects of the cave are covered, history, geology, folk lore, bio spel, mosses, algae, etc. SB In German ?18.00

DIE H?HLEN NIEDER?STERREICHES [The Caves of Lower Austria] Band 4 by H & W Hartmann 1990  624 pp inc 62 maps 108 cave plans 32 colour photos and 3 large maps in a separate envelope.  This lists all the caves mentioned in Volumes 1 to 3 with considerable revision.  Includes such famous caves as the Geldloch and Taubenloch on the ?tscher Mts and the Lechnerweidh?hle on the Durrenstein.  [For more about the Geldloch see The British Caver Vol 75 p 16 for a description of this cave first visited in 1591!].  SB In German ?40.00

DIE L?NGSTEN UND TIEFSTEN H?HLEN ?STERREICHS [The longest and deepest caves in Austria] von Theo Pfarr und G?nter Stummer 1988  248 pp numerous surveys, locations maps, extensive bibliography.  Very detailed and carefully researched.  A useful reference work.  SB In German ?15.00

DIE LANGSTEN UND TIEFSTEN H?HLEN ?STERREICHS by T Pfarr & G Stummer 1988 248 pp  154 diags. Text in German. A description of the longest & deepest caves of Austria.  Mentions exploration in the Ahnschacht by Bristol Exploration Club.  Pb.  ?15.00

DIE TAUPLITZ SCHACHZONE / in Toten Gebirge, Stmk by Eckart Herrman 1993 230 pp surveys, location maps, photos.  Describes numerous caves in "The Dead Mountains!"  SB In German ?25.00

FESTSCHRIFT LURGROTTE 1894-1994  332 pp  82 B&W & 14 colour photos 4 surveys.  In 1894 this cave became world famous when 7 cavers were trapped for a week by a flash flood.  This book tells the story of the rescue with excerpts and photos from old news papers, diaries etc.  A history of exploration, geology and hydrology, flora and fauna etc are all covered in this detailed monongraph.  Even our own Trevor Shaw describes some early cave "Stamps" sold to raise funds for exploration work.  Nicely produced on art paper SB In German ?30.00

GESCHICHTE DER H?HLENFORSCHUNG IN ?STERREICH (History of caving in Austria) after Rudolf Saar by Rudolf Pirker with the editorial help of K H Hochschorner, H Ilmingh, H Mrkos.  95 pp, 26 figs, 31 photos 1979.  Based on the un-published MSS of the late Prof Saar, with recent revision and additions to bring it right up to date.  SB ?6.00

H?HLEN, BERGWERKE, HEILQUELLEN / in Tirol und Voralberg by Kuntscher 1986  362 pp many colour photos, location maps etc.  This is a really useful guide for anybody taking a holiday in this part of Austria.  HB In German ?35.00              .

H?HLEN DER N?RDLICHEN KALKALPEN by Herbert Leitheim 1977  176 pp illus.  10 caving trips between Estergebirge and Dachstein with help from Werner Leitheim and Herbert Wimmer.  With 32 colour pictures, 9 B&W snaps, 18 cave surveys, 12 sketch maps, and a two colour location map with a scale 1:600 000 and many colour cave plans in the rear.  A really useful and detailed guide.  Special offer ?3.00

H?HLEN IN DACHSTEIN / und ihre Bedeutung f?r die Geologie, Karst hydrographie und die Theorien ?ber die Entstehung des eises.  Dem Andenken weiland Prof Friedrich Simonys by Ing Hermann Bock et al.  1913  151 pp some fine sepia photos, illus, maps etc.  HB Brown Cloth ?120.00

H?HLEN IN DER UMGEBUNG VON WIEN by Dr Michael M?llner.  1931  95 pp, 46 illus, a couple are engravings which would look nice framed.  Caves in the environs of Vienna.  I must have a copy of the book many years ago as I remember using it to explore the many caves in the Wienerwald.  My favourite was the Dreid?rrischenh?hle [the 3 dwarves cave], the Viennese Woods equivalent of Goatchurch.  SB In German.  ?30.00

H?HLENANSICHSKARTEN / Nieder?sterreich / Band 1 [Cave Postcards, Lower Austria, Vol 1] by Holzmann, Mayer, Raschko, & Wirth.  1992  284 pp hundreds of photos, some in colour.  Everything you wanted to know about cave postcards, the oldest, how they were printed, glossary of printing terms.  Cave postmarks, the lot.  Together with the most comprehensive catalogue of Austria caves cards ever seen and a lot more as well.  SB In German.  ?17.50

H?HLEN FELSEN UND RUINEN / [Driving and walking to known and unknown Caves and Ruins between Ries and Resssenstein]  by Rolf Albrecht 1980  120 pp  The Swabian Alb in Southern Germany in my favourite caving area.  This is a superb picture book of the caves of the area.  HB DW This book cost ?40.00 in 1980 today, this copy as new only ?20.00

H?HLENFORSCHUNG IN ?STERREICH [Cave Exploration in Austria] ed by Dr O Schultz, Dr R Seeman and H Mrkos.  134 pp 72 illus, many in colour.  1979  With chapters on all aspects of caving in Austria eg Caving;  - The bridge between the sciences by Dr H W Franke;  Karst hydrology by Dr F Bauer; Minerals in caves by Dr R Seeman; Caving then and now by H & W Hartmann etc ?5.00  [was ?10.00]

H?HLENF?HRER ?STERREICH by Robert Bouchal and Josef Wirth  2001  287 pp, 150 photos.  This Austrian Cave Guide describes over 100 caves with surveys, location, description, access arrangements etc.  Not all are show caves, some involve a long hike to the entrance and you need to bring your own lights.  A good overview to the caves of Austria.  SB In German, new ?20.00

H?HLENKUNDE by Kranz Kraus.  Wien 1894 - a photocopy of this much sought after book.  308 pp, 155 illustrations, 3 maps and 3 plans.  In German.  Wege and Bweck der Erforschung unterirdisher B?ume, covers the geography, geology and physical and anthropological aspects of caves.  ?30.00

IN BANNE DER GROSSEN H?HLE / Abenteuer in der gr?ssten H?hle Europas by Alfed B?gli 1972  174 pp, 36 B&W, 2 colour photos, maps, surveys etc.  Sub-titled ?Adventure in the largest cave in Europe?, this is the exciting story of the exploration of the H?lloch [=Hell Hole], onetime longest cave in the world.  In 1952 Prof B?gli and 3 other cavers were trapped in the cave for 9 days by flood water.  By the time the waters went down, the rescuers had given them up for dead and locked the cave, so they had to break their way out!  A good read.  HB colour cover in German  ?25.00

INTERNATIONE BIBLIOGRAPHIE F?R SPEL?OLOGIE von Hubert Trimmel the complete set from 1950 to 1960 in 10 volumes.  Total c 1000 pages.  Incredible amount of information stored here.  SB In German the set ?65.00

IM REICH DER H?HLEN by Gust?ve Abel, H?hlenforschung und H?hlenforscher ND [1950s by the typeface] 31 pp, 6 illus.  The late Gust?ve Abel was a distinguished Austrian caver, famous for his explorations in the Eisriesenwelt, the largest ice cave in the world, according to this book.  This rare book, another first for me, gives a concise account of famous caves, both in Austria and in the rest of the world.  SB In German.  ?9.00

KLEINER H?HLENFUHRER byAnnmarie Reiter sb 67pp  numerous b & w and colour plates colour cover.  Describes 22 caves in the Steirmark [Styria] area of Austria  SB In German ?5.00

KOMBINIERTE CHLORIERUNG VON H?HLEN GEW?SSERN von Georg Kyrle 1928  94 pp 8 plates 8 figs 15 tables.  An important, an early book on water tracing.  SB In German ?5.00

K?NIG LUDWIG II by H Rall & M Petzet 1970 sb 44pp text  plus 76 b & w and colour photos which form a separate section of the book including one in Venusgrotte Linderhof.. ?1.00

KUNSTLICHE H?HLEN AUS ALTER ZEIT von P Lambert Karner.  xxii + 235 pp 72 illus.  21 tables, index etc. Wien 1903 in German, photocopy.  A superb monograph on man-made caves.  ?25.00
Maps for Band 4  Includes 14 location maps, 1 geological map and 1 complete location map.  ?25.00;

KULTH?HLEN IN EUROPA, G?tter, Geister und D?monen by Heinrich und Ingrid Kusch  2001  208 pp 170 colour photos.  Religious Caves, Gods, Ghosts and Demons describes over 50 caves or man made sub surface voids all over Europe.  They range from painted caves like Lascaux and Altimira to short show caves like Dictaean Cave or Zeusgrotte in Crete with a long classical history.  A superb coffee table book, large A4 printed on art paper.  HB DW In German ?35.00

?STERREICHS FASZINIERENDE H?HLENWELT by Robert Bouchal and Josef Wirth 2000  168 pp over 100 colour photos. ?Austria?s Fascinating Cave World? is a fine coffee table book mainly on show caves.  All the famous caves are there: Hermannh?hle, ?tcherh?hlensystem, Seegrotte, a flooded mine with a boat trip, Dachstein - the Mammuth?hle and Riesenh?hle, Koppenbr?llerh?hle, Eisriesenwelt, Lamprechtofen, Katerloch, I?ve done ?em all and more.  It was a great please to read about them again and marvel at the wonderful photos.  A book to treasure.  HB DW ?28.50]

PHANTASTISCHE WELTEN / H?HLEN DER STEIERMARK by Heinrich and Ingrid Kusch  1998 160 pp numerous colour photos ?Fantastic Worlds / The Caves of Styria?  The first two thirds of the book is taken up with general caving topics, geology, genesis and geomorphology.  The main caving areas are described along with history and archaeology.  The final section describes the show caves and show mines.  HB DW ?33.00

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH  BAND 1.  335pp 107 figs 2 large location maps. Covers the following areas between the town of Salzburg and the German border: Reiteralm, Lattengebirge, Untersberg, D?rnbachhorn, Sonntagshorn, Staufen, Untersberg-Vorland, Salzburger Stadtberge, Haunsberg.  c ?45.00

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH  BAND 2  1977  ed H Baugartlinger et al.  348pp 187 plates.  Loferer-, Leoganger Steingerge, Steinplatte, Steinernes Meer, Hochkalter, Watzman.  ?45.00

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH  BAND 3. 1979 ed W Klappacher & H Knapszyk.  487pp 393 figs 350 photos.  Hochk?nig, Hagenbirge, G?ll-Ro?feld.  Describes 320 caves including the famous Tantalh?hle (30.2km -435m), Gruberhornh?hle (6.7km -784m + 70m), Hagenloch, Scheukofen, Petrefaktancanyon etc.  ?45.00

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH  BAND 4  Tennengebire.  Includes such classic caves as Eisriesenwelt.  ?45.00;

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH Band 5 Salzburger Mittelgebirge and Zentralalpen Schafberg, Hohe Tauern, Niedere Tauern, Norische Alpen, Nordtiroler und Salzburger Schieferalpen.  ed Walter Klappacher 1992  626 pp 240 colour & 190 B&W photos, 121 figs and plans.  Probably the most detailed cave guide ever produced.  Includes such famous caves as:Bischofloch, Lengfeldkeller, Hauslloch, K?hlloch etc.  In German GB ?57.00

SALZBURGER H?HLENBUCH Band 6  To be published in January 1997, the final volume of the Salzburg Cave Book.  This will contain details of all the latest discoveries.  With more than 600 pages describing some 3000 caves in Salzburg and Bavaria. 150 surveys of the largest caves and the caving area are clearly described.  Included are 36 colour photo of the most beautiful caves.  There is also a complete cave register for the six volumes.  HB in German ?57.00

SPELEO-AUSTRIA 2001 234 pp many photos.  This magnificent A4 coffee table book has been published to celebrate 90 of caving the Styrian, Salzkammergut area in Austria and the 20 year anniversary of the Federation for Caving in Upper Stryia.  It is divided into 10 chapters and includes:  History of caving in the area, The Caving Club in Upper Stryia, Over view of caving in Austria - good accounts of exploration with surveys etc, International Caving - this includes A Touch of Malaysian Caving by Liz Price et al, Cave rescue, Surveying, Cave Diving, Longest and Deepest Caves, Book reviews and even Tim Stratford has a contribution [in English!].  A superb profile of caving in this part of Austria.  Mainly in German with some English.  HB ?20.00

THE WORLD OF CAVES by Anton L?bke 1958  295 pp  24 plates.  Translated from the German by Michael Bullock it describes caves from all over the world including Fingal's, Mammoth Cave etc.  HB DW ?12.00

VOM ZUFLUCHTSORT ZUR KULTST?TTE by Heinrich Kusch 1993  156 pp 29 colour photos  33 figs.  This is a philosophical account of caves used by man, usually as places of refuge from all over the world: China, India, USA, Europe etc.  SB In German with summaries in French and English ?25.00

VORSTOSS IN DIE UNTER WELT / Abenteuer H?hlenforschung [A push in the underworld / a caving adventure] by Herbert W Franke  2003  192  pp, 42 colour and 16 B&W photos.  This book carries on where Wilderness Under the Earth (1958) ended.  Expedition ins Tote Gebirge; The Tantalh?hle; Climbing in ?tscher Shaft; In the Giant Cleft; We find Altlantis; The shaft in Gruberhorn; The discovery of Donners Stream; A push in the Underworld; In the caves of the Robbers Island; Through the Canyons of the M?rkloch; A caving trip to Israel; The Alistrati Stalactite Cave; The Secret of Krippenstein Passages; Caves in the Sahara, Caves on Mars. In brief, a good update on caving in Austria.  HB DW in  German ?25.00

WILDERNESS UNDER THE EARTH by H W Franke 1958  204 pp  Exciting accounts of caving in some of Austria's most challenging caves; Tantalh?hle - The most difficult cave in Austria; Expedition to the Geldloch - 400 years of cave exploration.  HB DW was ?10.00

WILDERNESS UNDER THE EARTH. by Franke, Herbert, W London, Lutterworth Press, 1958, Cloth, 204p, illst. Translated from the German, Wildnis Unter Der Erde. The author, in his time, a leading speleologist, has explored hundreds of caves. The book recounts his adventures. With an excellent selection b/w photos, plans & diagrams.  ?10.00

ZUR KULTURGESCHICHTLICHEN BEDEUTUNG DER H?HLENFUNDPL?TZE ENTLANG DES MITTLEREN MURTALES (Steiermark)  [On the historical cultural significance of the cave locations along the middle Mur Valley, Styria, [Austria]] by Heinrich Kusch 1996  307 pp 37 figs and tables.  I have lost count of the number of times I have rushed down the A9 Autobahn, through Graz to Maribor and on to what was Yugoslavia.  The return journey was usually slower and frequently we took the old A335 road through Peggau.  We explored many caves in the Peggau Wand [Wall].  How I wish we had had this book with us then.  At first this work appears to be a very technical and scientific University thesis, which of course it is.  The archaeological caves of this valley have been excavated since 1837 and possibly earlier. I still have for sale a spare copy of the massive 2 volume tome called Die Drachenh?hle bei Mixnitz (1931).  [Sept 2 list, below] Although mainly archaeological I was so impressed with the description of this cave that we spent many hours slogging our way up the steep hillside to the cave entrance, one of the many caves mentioned in this book.  For each cave there is location, how to get there, altitude, description, source of survey as well as some archaeological information like the type of entrance, orientation etc, excavations, statigraphy, finds, age of finds, and bibliography.  In German.  SB  ?40.00

:-\ that's a lot of dosh to look at books in a furren language
CUCC have done a lot on the Loser Plateau, and Dachstein expedition always seem to be recruiting. CUCC's expo website (google CUCC austria expo) also contains lots of stuff on their finds over the years

Have a good trip...

Well, I would offer some suggestions based upon a decade of caving in the Dachstein/Austria but the last member of Nottingham (Matt Bazire) who asked a question on here didn't have the manners to thank me for slaving over a keyboard for his benefit so I'll keep my own council!!! 

But I will say this: in my experience the caving in Austria is absolutely superb but the bureaucracy and politics are not to be taken lightly.  Many regions are off-limits unless you've made arrangements well in advance, and it doesn't sound as if you have?  So be aware that it's not necessarily as simple as bimbling along in the Dales and dropping down a deep cave.  However, on a happier note my knowledge is based upon exploration and not visiting many known caves so it might not be that bad.  Maybe.......  Probably.......  Possibly.....  But if you do prove to be that very rare creature (a student with manners) then feel free to send me a message and I'll find you some locals who may be able to advise.

I may be wrong but I think UNCC is Newcastle Uni caving rather than Nottingham who use NUCC (of course could be someone with a typing error)
Although Austria isn't such a big country it is a very big country in speleological terms. There are HUGE areas of limestone, much of it quite remote and containing many challenging caves. However, mounting a successful trip to most of them is quite complicated. Much of the territory concerned is part of national parks and caving requires an official permit. Some areas were very difficult to visit because of miliary restrictions, although this situation has eased, there is definitely not a tradition of an access free-for-all. Camping up in many caving areas often requires yet another permit or is not possible at all. Getting permission requires lots of work in advance and good contacts with the local cavers. As is probably evident from the reading list a sound knowledge of German is also pretty essential for mamy areas since a lot of the information is only available in German (there is some info in Polish and French and of course reports from UK-based expeditions).

To be honest, since it's the middle of July and you are planning to go this summer but haven't done any significant amount of homework I wonder whether it might be better to change plans and go somewhere else where permission isn't a problem and where lots of info is easily available. Don't let me discourage you from going to Austria another year, but you need a decent length of time to plan if you are to have a worthwhile and enjoyable trip.

Joel Corrigan said:
But if you do prove to be that very rare creature (a student with manners) then feel free to send me a message and I'll find you some locals who may be able to advise.

Gemma hasn't been a student for a while and I can assure you is both lovely and polite! As others have said, UNCC is Newcastle not Nottingham.
Oh my god: how embarrassing!  Gemma, I am so, so, so sorry about that.  UNCC, NUCC: all the same when you've got the memory of a goldfish.  Right, would love to advise but Mark has pretty much hit the nail on the head.  If I was in the position that I assume you are (i.e, a group of keenies but with no fixed plans) then I'd consider heading over to somewhere like Slovenia as it's not a million miles away from Austria.  Not been there myself but believe the karst is basically the same but my impression is that it's more geared up for visiting cavers.  Could be wrong (apparently wouldn't be the first time!) but somewhere with a caving guidebook has gotta be worth considering.

So apologies to Newcastle (think I met some of your lot years ago in your local when I was working on the Sage Centre in Gateshead?) but doesn't change the fact that the lad from Nottingham lacks in manners!!!  Or was it Newbury?!

p.s, I suspect that if you're lost then the Cambridge might invite you on their trip? Mark?  Of course you're welcome in the Dachstein if I haven't offended you too much.....  Going next week until the 20th August.
I'm not caving in Austria this summer (going cave diving north of the arctic circle instead), so I'm not in a position to start issuing invites, unless you want to go cave diving north of the artic circle, in which case get in touch! But I think joining in with an existing expedition could be an excellent solution. More inter-university collaboration is to be encouraged.

Thanks for the replies.  Yes UNCC is Newcastle Uni and I haven't been a student for about 5 years (it's more of a people-who-were-at-Newcastle-Uni-going-abroad trip rather than a specific Uni trip) and I am usually polite, I hope - thanks for coming to my defence Damian!!

Joel - I was caving with the YSS on their PSM trip last Summer and remember asking you to take our group picture, but unfortunately you declined!!!!!  (Remember me yet??) Don't worry, a nice French lady took it for us!

I didn't explain in my original post but we are caving with an Austrian caver who I think has a dad in the Austrian cave rescue, so I am guessing that permits and access aren't going to be so much of an issue, or at least he hasn't said that!  We've also got 2 native German speakers on our trip so the German books will be readable by some of us.  Not sure my GCSE German covered speleology vocabulary!  I was mainly wanting to get some books/info to read before the trip, for my own interest as the Austrian contingent of our party is in fact in Austria and his info is not readily available to me in the toon!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but the person that's written the info on the books and prices - do you have a caving book shop or have you just got this info from someone else - it was very detailed, thanks!

GemmaJones said:
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but the person that's written the info on the books and prices - do you have a caving book shop or have you just got this info from someone else - it was very detailed, thanks!

He sells books, if you look there is an ebay page linked to in the signiture section at the bottom of the post.

Joel; Re Matt, his profile says that he hasnt actually logged in since posting that question - though he has talked to me about the options - that probably explains the lack of a thank you.
GemmaJones said:
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but the person that's written the info on the books and prices - do you have a caving book shop or have you just got this info from someone else - it was very detailed, thanks!


This my "Books I have sold list".  I was too lazy to delete the prices, although they are still a rough guide as what these books would cost today.  Hopefully, most are these books are readily avalable in the UBSS or any of the Mendip caving clubs' libraries.  If not, I have fallen down on my job.  I am now retired and am selling off most of my caving and mining books.  But I am not allowed to plug them here  :)
