Chocolate fireguard
Active member
Natural England have said that a licence was issued to close a badger sett at Manor Vale Cave. I had asked about the reasons given, but a Freedom of Information request would be needed.
I have been told by people who have experience of these things that NE would never issue a licence to remove a badger just because cavers wanted to dig.
So I still don't understand why ?difficult removal of a troublesome badger? and ? licence to evict? appeared in the OP. It dismayed me and I am sure others felt the same.
With little information from the diggers, and wanting to believe the best, I gather/surmise the diggers realised the place was a badger sett but perhaps inactive. They were anxious to do things by the book so applied to NE for permission to monitor it, found no trace of use for 28 days and applied to NE for a licence to close it.
They deserve a lot of credit for going about this the right way when it is quite likely that others would not have done, perhaps because they would not have known how.
It might be useful to others sometime if somebody could briefly outline the procedure.
So far as I can see there are many pages of information on line if you want a licence actually to remove badgers, but nothing of any use to cavers/diggers.
A licence was issued so I apologise to the diggers.
I have sent a cheque for ?100 to gardouth, via ukCaving.
I have been told by people who have experience of these things that NE would never issue a licence to remove a badger just because cavers wanted to dig.
So I still don't understand why ?difficult removal of a troublesome badger? and ? licence to evict? appeared in the OP. It dismayed me and I am sure others felt the same.
With little information from the diggers, and wanting to believe the best, I gather/surmise the diggers realised the place was a badger sett but perhaps inactive. They were anxious to do things by the book so applied to NE for permission to monitor it, found no trace of use for 28 days and applied to NE for a licence to close it.
They deserve a lot of credit for going about this the right way when it is quite likely that others would not have done, perhaps because they would not have known how.
It might be useful to others sometime if somebody could briefly outline the procedure.
So far as I can see there are many pages of information on line if you want a licence actually to remove badgers, but nothing of any use to cavers/diggers.
A licence was issued so I apologise to the diggers.
I have sent a cheque for ?100 to gardouth, via ukCaving.