BCA legal officer - Linda Wilson? Really?


Badlad said:
Very little money has been spent on an actual campaign.  In two and a half years I can only recall claiming for some travel and a pop up banner - say ?500.

So BCA has spent most of the money ensuring the CRoW issue is dealt with democratically and very little actually campaigning.  At last Saturdays meeting council gave the go ahead to increase insurance costs by ?8000 across the membership.  This was to meet the higher insurance demands of the Longleat estate and ensure continued access to caves in Cheddar such as Reservoir hole which could be lost without it.  Access to caves costs a lot of money too. 

That's ?500 compared to ?10k+. Sounds like the CRoW campaign could be quite the money-saver really, if the campaigners are allowed to get on with it now.


Active member
How much did the ballot re the Constitution change cost?

And with a bit of preparation, could this not have been combined with the CRoW ballot?

I'm not accusing Badlad of going on BCA-sponsored freebies, and fully appreciate the amount of his OWN time he's spent on this subject, but feel the entire process was very inefficiently managed.

Hindsight has 20:20 vision though....


Well-known member
droid said:
, but feel the entire process was very inefficiently managed.

Hindsight has 20:20 vision though....

you could always get off your arse and volunteer your own free time


Active member
Mike: why the f**k should I volunteer to help something I don't agree with?

I won't stand in the way of those that do, and I've said before the BCA should just crack on, but that's as far as I'm going on that one.... :LOL:


Well-known member
droid said:
How much did the ballot re the Constitution change cost?

And with a bit of preparation, could this not have been combined with the CRoW ballot?

I'm not accusing Badlad of going on BCA-sponsored freebies, and fully appreciate the amount of his OWN time he's spent on this subject, but feel the entire process was very inefficiently managed.

Hindsight has 20:20 vision though....

Even now it still seems surprising that it was necessary to take the same subject which appeared repeatedly decided (referendum, council ruling etc) so far. Probably in actual legal terms, if ever tested in court, there was never any doubt that the constitution did not provide any impediment to campaigning as it stood. But it was sadly necessary to demonstrate this again and again... It was no doubt cheaper and easier to just change the constitution to appease the minority than (somehow) 'test it in court', and in any event the political aspect was far more important than the actual technical one - it didn't matter if people were correct in thinking that the constitution provided an impediment, it merely mattered that they _believed_ it did, or chose to appear to believe to support their overall political stance, and it was unacceptable to be seen to be ignoring even a minority of BCA's members' concerns, well-founded or otherwise. At least the issue _finally_ seems settled...

Like you say, hindsight.


Well-known member
droid said:
Mike: why the f**k should I volunteer to help something I don't agree with?

I won't stand in the way of those that do, and I've said before the BCA should just crack on, but that's as far as I'm going on that one.... :LOL:

I don't know why the likes of you bother caving at all, you think because "the majority " of the caving community are pro-caving, you think we Are anti conservation.

Ian Adams

Well-known member
Every single caver I know (both pro-CRoW and anti-CRoW) respect the environment they are in and both proffer and practice conservation (including some very well known people on here). I don?t even know why ?conservation? is an argument in the CRoW debate.

Regardless, it is the ?militant minority? that has consistently thrown proverbial spanners in the work, the ?militant minority? that have consistently driven to undermine the wishes of the majority, the ?militant minority? that has sought to derail the majority vote on technicalities (like the interpretation of the constitution) and it is the ?militant minority? who have wasted the money of the BCA.

They are still doing it by whatever means they can muster.

Get a grip people.



Active member
cavemanmike said:
I don't know why the likes of you bother caving at all, you think because "the majority " of the caving community are pro-caving, you think we Are anti conservation.

You don't know what I think. So your assumption is rather groundless, unless you can find a quote of mine where I've said that 'proCRoW' people (rather than 'pro-caving') are anti conservation.


New member
BradW said:
Credit those who hold different views with a modicum of maturity please!

A few of those who oppose CRoW have caused immense problems, and seem to be hell-bent on carrying on doing so, irrespective on what the outcome of the vote was. Seems much like my daughter - appears to be lovely, right until she she can't get her own way and throws a strop. Difference is, she's 9 and is chancing her arm to chocolate for breakfast, not old enough to know better and trying to de-rail a democratic process.

Maturity? Might want to ask "your side" to brush up on that first, before going slinging mud around.

cap n chris

Well-known member
Ian Adams said:
Every single caver I know (both pro-CRoW and anti-CRoW) respect the environment they are in and both proffer and practice conservation (including some very well known people on here). I don?t even know why ?conservation? is an argument in the CRoW debate.

I can help with an answer.

It is good to hear that all the cavers you know respect the cave environment: sadly, however, people who do not respect the cave environment venture underground. We know this for a fact because of:

graffiti, scratched and spray painted
broken gates
broken formations
trampled tape or
removed tape
litter, including faeces
photographs of people sitting on, or putting their arms/legs around, standing on, or leaning against delicate formations
mud sculpting
mud throwing

One of the reasons why conservation education has relevance to the CRoW topic is that the legislation will provide statutory rights to anyone - i.e. uneducated, uncaring public - to venture into caves on tracts of access land.


Active member
'A few'.....not all.

Anyway, there's not an argument any more.

Votes' been cast, decision made, crack on. Bollocksing on about 'sour grapes' and  second-guessing what people think is pretty irrelevant.

*that took 4 goes before the spellchecker let 'irrelevant' through.....*

tony from suffolk

Well-known member
droid said:
Mike: why the f**k should I volunteer to help something I don't agree with?
Indeed, why should anyone volunteer to represent something they happen to disagree with unless they've got their own agenda to pursue?


tony from suffolk said:
droid said:
Mike: why the f**k should I volunteer to help something I don't agree with?
Indeed, why should anyone volunteer to represent something they happen to disagree with unless they've got their own agenda to pursue?
Reading the comments appearing here, anyone would think Linda's proposed role (if indeed there ever was one) was to provide direct legal support and advice to Tim Allen for his campaign. Perhaps it was never thus, but let's not spoil a good bit of banter with truth and logic. Have you ever thought that perhaps there are wider legal issues that need attention now and again that have s*d all to do with CRoW?


New member
BradW said:
Have you ever thought that perhaps there are wider legal issues that need attention now and again that have s*d all to do with CRoW?

You're judged on your past actions and attitude throughout life, so why would this be any different?

Do you think an employer take on someone fundamentally opposed to a significant part of the business?


Yes it's a shame such guidance is not applied across the board, and in more circumstances. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.


New member
BradW said:
What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Put on your big boy pants, grow a spine and say what you think, all this insinuation is tiresome. Who do *you* think is unsuitable for whatever it is they're doing?
