Beck Head Stream Cave restoration


Well-known member
Removal of felled ash tree at Beck Head Stream Cave

A few years ago, while Ingleborough Estate were felling ash trees on the route to Trow Gill, one tree partially blocked the entrance to Beck Head Stream Cave.


BHSC_fallen debris.jpeg

Thanks to some great collaborations between enthusiastic local cavers, CNCC volunteers and Ingleborough Estate, a few months ago work was performed to remove the fallen tree, clear the entrance of lots of collapsed debris, and restore access.

Full report and more photos are now available on our website:

Thank you to everyone involved! A job very well done (y)


Well-known member
There are two photos in this post, the page on mentions four, but there is only one shown there.


Well-known member
Hi Alanw, if you click on the right or left side of the photo on the CNCC news article, you can scroll through the four photos.

(There are right/left arrows which appear on the photo when you hover your cursor over it, in a similar way to many other online photo platforms. However, because of the complexity of the main photo, these arrows are kind of lost into the undergrowth... rather like the cave entrance was :) We will look to beef these arrows up a little to make them stand out more and make it more obvious you can scroll through the photos).


Well-known member
Ah - I've found them now. You have to hover in the right place, and in the first photo the arrows were camouflaged against the background.