After spending some time carefully reading what accounts are available and picking through Companies House records I am able to give a reasonable picture of what has been going on.
To answer ARs question re the charges in favour of National Park, they were satisfied in 2016.
To continue, I first have to introduce the key player, someone who probably none of you have heard of, Mr Tommaso Edoardo Giulini. He is the owner of 75% of the shares of Fluorsid Group (FG). An Italian chemicals group. In 2019 they bought out what was then British Fluorspar Ltd (BFL) for £100K in the form of 100,000 £1 shares in BFL which was renamed Fluorsid British Fluorspar Ltd (FBFL).
BFL was not in good shape and the motivation is rather obviously, and stated as such in the last available accounts, to procure a source of essential raw material for FGs chemical works. So basically, for about the cost of a new Range Rover they ensured a ready supply of an essential material for quite a few years, I would say a smart business move.
As FG owns FBFL completely Mr G has full and complete control which includes the power to hire and fire directors. As FBFL currently has no directors, which is illegal under UK company law, it remains to be seen whether Mr G will find a director from somewhere so as enable FBFL to be wound up in an orderly manner, or simply throw it under a bus.
Below I reproduce two relevant paragraphs from the last (2021) set of published accounts:
1/ Material uncertainty related to going concern
In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the directors' use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate.
We draw attention to note 19 in the financial statements, which indicates that the company incurred a net loss of £2,751,033 during the year ended 31 December 2021 and, as of that date, the company's current liabilities exceeded its total assets by £3,821,870. The parent company has undertaken to provide support and in our opinion the company is dependent upon this support to continue as a going concern.
2/ Support from Parent Company
The company incurred a net loss of £2,751,033 during the year ended 31 December 2021 and, as of that date, the company's current liabilities exceeded its total assets by £39821,870 . The parent company has undertaken to provide financial support to Fluorsid British Fluorspar Limited- Whilst a declaration of support has been provided, this is not necessarily something which is legally enforceable, creating some uncertainty surrounding the company's ability to continue as a going concern.
RF continues
I am hopeful that this easily explains the events that have lead up to the current situation, but bear in mind that the accounts are now 2 years out of date; I therefore leave readers to form their own conclusions. I will keep the thread updated with events as they happen sourced from Companies House together with explanations to the best of my ability.