Bruce Bedford


Very sad news. I was just reading some very old copies of 'Descent' which of course he started and was first editor.


Great writer who also wrote play scripts for the BBC, as well as being editor of Descent in its early years. He was also a Chelsea member for many years and kept in touch through his attendance at their Western Section Annual Dinners held in the Hunter’s.


Well-known member
Sad news. Bruce used me as a source of medical advice on occasions (with relation to his writing) and cajoled me into writing a series of articles for Descent that turned into a pamphlet on First Aid for cavers. His radio play Carnival King (which I recorded off the radio) has a distinctive caving flavour. He also penned a community play for South Petherton in the 90's He also co ran Rocksport in the old Wells Bus Station with Chris Bradshaw. I c;an recall going round to his house once to collect some caving goods to be greeted by him in pyjamas.

Chris Scaife

Well-known member
We have been moved by the many tributes that have been sent to us following the death last week of Bruce Bedford, who was editor of Descent from 1969 until 1988. It is our plan to put a selection of these together in a future issue of Descent, so if you would like to add your own tribute, please send me a PM.


Active member
We have now arranged a celebration of his life which I wanted you to know about.

His Parting Party will take place at Long Sutton VIllage Hall at 3.00pm on Thursday 17th November.

Details of the Village Hall are
Long Sutton Village Hall
Martock Road, Long Sutton,
Somerset TA10 9NT

Whilst people do not normally RSVP for a funeral it would be really helpful if you could let me know whether you might be coming. Please also pass this email onto anyone who you think might be interested.

With kind regards