• The next BCA Council meeting will be held on the 29th October at 7pm via Zoom.

    For details on how to join and for the Agenda, please click the link

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Caving Video / Film footage Wanted


Dan Simpkins emailed the caving library to ask the following :-

I am making a short film about caving down in Cornwall. It has been a passion project of mine for the past year.
I was wondering if you may have any archives of instructional videos on how to cave. I am looking for something that is preferably shot on film and has a Queen's English / old-timey voice-over. I am looking for archive material to feature in my film. Particularly older films that explain the act of caving. If you have films about mine exploration then I would be very interested to view them as well.

The library does hold videos but as we may not hold the copywrite we cant simply let people use footage.

If anyone thinks they can help Dan please contact him on dansimpkins97@gmail.com>
