CHECC Grand Prize 2017 - best video


Staff member
Best video on any aspect of caving. Post on this thread to enter. To be judged by Caver Keith, thanks Keith  (y)

Entries in by NOON, November 24th. One entry per Club, however don't forget to mention your Club! Winner 30 points, runner up 15 points.


Videos should :

Have a story or include a narration of some kind or have an interesting theme.

Be a maximum of 10 minutes duration.

Please no videos shot with just a helmet cam.

Video will be judged on:
* The overall impression of the visual quality of the presentation
* Technical filming quality
* Post-production quality
* Aesthetic quality and audience retention
* Filming objectives achieved - intended or perceived

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Pegasus said:
NOTE - closing date/time is TODAY at NOON!!!!
And the panel of celebrity judges
  Keith Revel Deadwood
  Darcey Burkey
  Shirley Marris
  Marco Chunkioli
are poised and ready with their scoring paddles.


New member
Here is SUCC's CHECC caving video!  :beer:

"Bermuda" Dan Nash, the Ex-president of SUCC, is joining the club for a long awaited weekend trip to South Wales. He soon realises that things have changed. While he's been gone the club has become boring, obsessed with hydration, and relatively competent at caving!
He must fight to reacquaint the club with their love of the booze and save SUCC from their seemingly inevitable demise into sobriety.
H2O? Hell no.

Here it is:

We realise that this is over the time limit so we've made a 10 minute version as well. We had to cut a few chunks out of it though so we wanted to show you the original.

We had a whole lot of fun filming this, we hope you enjoy it too!

Here's the google drive folder if youtube isn't working:

Thank you for your consideration

Caving love,


Well-known member
Caver Keith said:
Pegasus said:
NOTE - closing date/time is TODAY at NOON!!!!
And the panel of celebrity judges
  Keith Revel Deadwood
  Darcey Burkey
  Shirley Marris
  Marco Chunkioli
are poised and ready with their scoring paddles.
I may have to officially change my name via deed poll to Marco Chunkioli! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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