Committee Meeting Postponed


With grovelling apologies to any of you who had planned to be at Penwyllt for the committee weekend this week, we've had no option but to postpone the meeting for a week, until Sat 23rd Jan. At present there is no gas at the HQ and it is looking unlikely that a tanker will get to the club before Thursday at the earliest. The road up the hill is already tricky to negotiate and there is more snow forecast. In addition the water pipes are currently frozen and again, unless there is a significant thaw, that situation is unlikely to change before the weekend.

There was no point in attempting to hold a meeting under those circumstances, especially since so many of the committee live in areas that are also experiencing travel problems due to the weather. A meeting that does not have the (constitutionally required) minimum number of members and officers would not be quorate and would be a waste of everyone's time and effort.

Sorry for any inconvenience. 


The committee meeting is going ahead. I presume the water is back but haven't heard this definitively. I'm waiting to hear whether the gas has been filled...any news, yet, Jopo? If you're coming up this weekend bring an extra blanket, I suggest.
Latest news as at 3:30 this afternoon was that the gas has been refilled but work was still being carried out to get water running properly.