January CNCC Committee meeting

CNCC Secretary

New member
Saturday 18 January, 9:30am in Clapham Village Hall

The January agenda is now available on the CNCC website MEETINGS page.

The big item for discussion is a major update of the Constitution. We’ve been working to ensure it's still fit for purpose and to identify areas where improvements can be made. Any suggestions for the future direction of the CNCC are welcomed.

Other (more interesting?) items are a batch of anchoring projects for approval, plus a thought-provoking paper on the crumbling ladders on the route into Far Country.

More documents including Officer reports will be uploaded during the week before the meeting.

Although this is technically a Committee meeting, we invite all cavers to come along and either observe or participate. You are welcome to provide input on all the discussions, as we aspire to bring together the broadest range of viewpoints and ideas.

Hope to see you at the meeting, either in person or via Zoom.


Well-known member
Thank you @CNCC Secretary

Please could you add DRAFT and possibly a date and/or version number to each page of the constitution

Do you have a version with changes highlighted (to save us going through word-for-word)

Is the intention for the committee to just discuss this document and recommend changes, or is there an aim to have the committee vote for recommending it for adoption at the coming AGM?


CNCC Secretary

New member
There’s a page in the agenda describing the changes, Ian.

It’s not really possible to highlight these changes in the document itself, as almost everything is altered, to some degree.

The Working Group have suggested many of the “improvements”, and we’re hopeful that the draft will be acceptable to the Committee, with minimal alteration. Then we can take it forward to the AGM in March to be voted on.