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Committee meeting - 18th January 2025


Well-known member
**** January 2025 CNCC Committee Meeting, Saturday 18th January, 9:30am, Clapham Village Hall ****

A reminder that this Saturday is our first Committee meeting of the year (and the last prior to out AGM in March). Our Secretary has already advertised this:

In addition to the previously mentioned documents, officer reports can now be found on our website. These are a worthwhile read as they showcase a considerable amount of work being done spanning loads of aspects of northern caving. You might be surprised how much happens behind the scenes!

Our meetings are open to anyone to attend, and if you have an interest to participate, present some ideas, make any points, or merely just spectate or meet us, you are very welcome to come along. Tea and coffee facilities available (please arrive 5-10 minutes earlier). If this is your first CNCC meeting and you don't know anyone and would like a quieter chat/introduction, come along 15-20 minutes early and some people will be around setting things up who will be happy to welcome you.

If you would like to participate online, email our Secretary for joining details.
Is there a reason why these meetings are held on a Saturday? Would CNCC consider swapping for midweek evenings, with the whole thing held online rather than in person?

I'm asking because the ULSA CNCC rep is standing down at the AGM and no replacement has yet volunteered, partly because of the timing of meetings. For those who don't have as much free time during the week, faced with a choice between attending a meeting and using that time to get out caving, I know what I'd choose to do... I'm sure ULSA can't be the only club to have faced this dilemma?
CNCC Secretary here. I'll not address the benefits of a "real meeting" compared to Zoom (or equivalent).

However, I will point out that:
Meetings are held in Clapham, very close to a prime caving area
They finish around noon, leaving plenty of time for caving afterwards

Clubs don't need to send the same rep to each meeting. In fact some clubs make a point of sending someone different each time. So one Saturday morning per year is not really a big sacrifice, is it?

That said, we're very open to any suggestions of how the CNCC could be improved, and we should certainly discuss re-introducing an online meeting.

(ULSA contributions in the committee meetings are always appreciated)
Thanks for the reply. I understand there are four meetings a year, so it's more than one Saturday if one person is the rep. I agree doing just one seems more reasonable if its an option to have more than one rep, with clubs alternating reps at meetings
Anyone can join the meeting by zoom if Clapham is out of the way.
I expect moving to a weekday evening would also be inconvenient for some to attend what with busy social calendars.
Funnily enough I have noticed over the years that many cavers don't actually get going until after midday on a Saturday anyway ;)