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On February 1, 1994 in his 87th year of life is Dr. Huber Kessler, a Excellently figure of Hungarian karst and cave research, died. Dr. Hubert Kessler was born on November 3, 1907 in Sibiu. He attended the Budapest University of Technology and in 1932 graduate Ingeneur. After studying at the University of geography, geology and paleontology, in 1936 where he received his degree, and a doctorate in 1938 with the thesis "Hydrography of Aggtelek Cave system".
Before the Second World War, he was director of the Baradla Cave. After he had verscheiedene Gelengentheitsarbeiten hold up he a adaqua th post as Loitor for the Karst water department in the Research Institute for Water Resources (VITUKI) has be-come, later he worked as Haupthydrologe at the headquarters of the Hungarian aluminum industry. After his Pensonierung he was Tatig as a consultant at the State Office for Nature Conservation. From his Cave exploration work are the first descent of the deepest shafts of alsoe-hegy (1927), the discovery of Budapest Szemlo-hegyi- (1930) and the Ferenc Hegyi Cave (1933), the demonstration of the context of the Baradla-Domica cave system ( 1932), the discovery of significant routes in the Zichy cave and Csarn?h?zi Cave in Bihar Mountains (1942) and the discovery of the Kossuth Cave (1956) to mention. Under his direction, the electric lighting was introduced into the Aggtelek cave by means of a small power plant, according to its plans, the hotel Barlang in Aggtelek and the hotel was built in J?svaf? Tengerszen. Due to its efforts aufdem field of cave use the cave in Miskolctapolca was opened (1957), the karst water monitoring station set up in the Gellert-hegy cave (1969) and opened the Szemlo-hegyi Cave as a show cave (1986). His scientific work was very varied and was geubt in all areas with success. The number of his publications is annahernd 200, including 15 books and 94 journal article.
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Before the Second World War, he was director of the Baradla Cave. After he had verscheiedene Gelengentheitsarbeiten hold up he a adaqua th post as Loitor for the Karst water department in the Research Institute for Water Resources (VITUKI) has be-come, later he worked as Haupthydrologe at the headquarters of the Hungarian aluminum industry. After his Pensonierung he was Tatig as a consultant at the State Office for Nature Conservation. From his Cave exploration work are the first descent of the deepest shafts of alsoe-hegy (1927), the discovery of Budapest Szemlo-hegyi- (1930) and the Ferenc Hegyi Cave (1933), the demonstration of the context of the Baradla-Domica cave system ( 1932), the discovery of significant routes in the Zichy cave and Csarn?h?zi Cave in Bihar Mountains (1942) and the discovery of the Kossuth Cave (1956) to mention. Under his direction, the electric lighting was introduced into the Aggtelek cave by means of a small power plant, according to its plans, the hotel Barlang in Aggtelek and the hotel was built in J?svaf? Tengerszen. Due to its efforts aufdem field of cave use the cave in Miskolctapolca was opened (1957), the karst water monitoring station set up in the Gellert-hegy cave (1969) and opened the Szemlo-hegyi Cave as a show cave (1986). His scientific work was very varied and was geubt in all areas with success. The number of his publications is annahernd 200, including 15 books and 94 journal article.
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