

Charlotte Harris

Hello. Just wondering where everyone's going for easter weekend? Choc


You mean Chris J never booked our french canyoning trip for us  :(  shouldn't you be doing your dissertation anyway, bloody students!

Charlotte Harris

I know!!! Its just not on Chris! My dissertation will be done and in my then hopefully, unless I conveniently broke my arm! Am still about 10,000 words away from the end of term but can't wait. Damn it, why do I leave everything until the last minute!!! You caving then?


I had been hoping to go over for the Irish forum but I'm working that weekend.  :(


Active member
Hey, least you have started your dissertation! Mine is being thought about and will be started soon I hope  :-\ I will, all being well, be in Derbs for Easter or possibly will drive to Yorks tho is so far away! Spose it depends where everyone else is guna be. I get home from Spain on Good Friday, so can pick up kit and people from Southampton possibly too. ;)
Max x

Chris J

Active member
Yeah - Easter in France in the mountains!! - great idea - remember last year??

Canyoning with ice axes, crampons and immersion suits - now there's an idea - lol


New member
Going home (Bømlo, west coast of norway). Maybe I'll have a poke around in a gold mine whilst I'm there :)


cap n chris

Well-known member
When is Easter Weekend? - how do people know about these things - there's nowt about it on my calendar or my phone calendar; come to think of it when are the bank holidays this year, when do the clocks change etc.?

Peter Burgess

New member
The dates for Easter, Christmas and other Bank Holidays are clearly now set by the major supermarkets who plan for them many months ahead. I suggest you contact your local branch of Tesco who will be happy to sell you a list of dates with added Clubcard points of course.


Active member
Good Friday is 6th April and Easter Monday is 9th April, though saying that the easter eggs have been on sale for months, silly supermarkets, they need to think up some more seasonal items to stock or we end up with Easter being 2 months long and Christmas being over 3 months long!!

cap n chris

Well-known member
Why don't Tescos et al have the balls to celebrate every religious festival from neo-paganism through to the Middle and Far Eastern religions? - they could sell shed loads of crap to shed loads of people. Perhaps they even sell sheds?

Peter Burgess

New member
cap 'n chris said:
Why don't Tescos et al have the balls to celebrate every religious festival from neo-paganism through to the Middle and Far Eastern religions? - they could sell shed loads of crap to shed loads of people. Perhaps they even sell sheds?

Tesco sheds


By the way, did you know there is a uk.rec.sheds newsgroup? No kidding.

cap n chris

Well-known member

Peter, this is all getting WAY OFF THREAD.  :chair:

Peter Burgess

New member
I've got three sheds. One for caving stuff, one for children's stuff, and one with a shedload of stuff I'm not allowed to keep in the house. All right, all right, I'll log off. Sorry.


New member
cap 'n chris said:

Peter, this is all getting WAY OFF THREAD.  :chair:

Possibly more interesting than a bunch of students talking about skiving off on yet another holiday. ;)


Active member
and the only reason you lot complain is because you wana have the lovely long holidays we have  :tease: and if we could get back on thread  :spank:, us "skiving" students can plan our long holidays to maximise the amount of caving we do!