• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

EuroSpeleo cave descriptions now online!


New member
You can now plan your week of caving for EuroSpeleo 2016! Bespoke descriptions of all the rigged caves and a few extras are online now.

All the descriptions include detailed maps and are optimized for printing to take with you. There's also a handy icons to tell you how hard the trip is.

Thank you to everyone who has sent photos (more will be added as they come in).


What a brilliant resource! This must have taken a LOT of work to put together. Well done to everyone who's helped  :clap2:

Perhaps after Eurospeleo, this could form the start of the new edition of Northern Caves?
Have removed this post from the home page, however giving it a bump as the cave descriptions are such excellent work and more folks get to see them the better - so bumpity bump  ;D
Thanks Pegasus

I hope they are useful! The guides (particularly for the more complex systems) are not intended as a standalone navigation aid, but they should hopefully help (and for many of the simpler caves and potholes they will probably be quite sufficient).

The caving reception desk at Eurospeleo will include copies of the major guide books which will help navigation (and of course all of these excellent books will be on sale with the various vendors at the event). We also hope to have the surveys of the major systems on display.

With that said, if anyone has a spare paper copy of the survey for any of these caves available that you would be happy to put on display at Eurospeleo I would love to hear from you (please PM me). Alternatively, if your club has for sale any of the surveys, please let me know.

If anyone spots any significant errors in the descriptions, please can you send me a PM (please don?t post here as this could end up a very long thread with corrections getting lost amongst discussions).

The descriptions will be present in the congress guide handed out to all delegates (some of them slightly truncated) and will be provided in full as printouts to take away at the congress itself (along with some clear sandwich bags to put them in). Therefore it would be good to make any corrections before these go to printing.


Echoing the above - I love the Tube-style plans and simple location maps.  This will be a brilliant resource for EuroSpeleo and - I hope - beyond, assuming they'll be left somewhere online after it's finished ?  Please.... ?
I am sure they will remain publically accessible somewhere, although not sure where just yet...

(In fact we could easily amend them post-Eurospeleo to make them more applicable to cavers who are rigging the caves themselves, and possibly adding some of the other popular Dales caves which we sadly had to omit from Eurospeleo).

But enough of that... for now, get yourself booked into Eurospeleo and let's look forward to a smashing week  :beer2:
