Expeditions 2008



I am currently a first year student at Nottingham University and have been caving with NUCC for the year and am proficient in basic SRT techniques. Myself and another first year member really want to go on an expedition over the summer to compound on our skills, see other caves etc. We've seen invites to the Dachstein trip and one in the Picos de Europa, we were wondering if there are any other expeditions that we would be able to join?

Joel Corrigan

New member
Sorry, Matt, but all expeditions other than the Dachstein have been cancelled.  True.  But if you really do want to go to other locations then I'll grudgingly give you a rough idea of what generally seems to go on every summer.  Why am I so considerate when I'm trying to promote the Dachstein trip? 
-Cambridge Uni go to the Totty-Burger (or Totesgebirge if you're boring) in Austria.
-Imperial College go to Slovenia.
-Oxford Uni go to the Picos in Spain and there's a parallel trip to push some sumps there and I know that they'd rip your arm off for support.  Contact Hilary Greaves via this site, I guess.
-There are generally some bearded cavers going to Matienzo.
-This year Jason Mallinson is aiming to push the sumps at the bottom of BU56 in Spain and may need support (contact the YSS or I'll put you in touch with him direct).
-There are any number of foreign tourist trips going on to places like the Berger (again, I can give you contacts).  There's also a giant congress in the Vercors which will almost certainly be a laugh but am not convinced it'll be an ideal time to get down the deep caves due to queues. 

Don't be put off by the "Uni" tags on these trips as most of them would welcome you. 

You could do a blitz, though.  Many of the Dachstein crew are going to the French Congress straight afterwards, some may be going to the Picos to help de-rig a deep cave, and I suspect that one or two will go out to BU56 if we're needed.  For the exploratory expeditions they generally seem to be all around the same time so difficult to leapfrog.

Hope this helps?