New member
I am in the process of writing an extended essay on the topic of fidelity, both in general and as it relates to caves, caving culture, and the larger natural world. Instead of discussing fidelity here or elsewhere, I would invite anyone who wishes to write down their thoughts, then either share them here or send them to me via private message or email. I am unaware of any previous examination of this subject in spelean literature, and so am interested to see the ways, if any, that cavers are able to think about it in relation to their activities. Submissions of any length, style, or focus are welcomed. Please do not submit anything that you are unwilling to have partly or wholly repeated, in print, credited or not according to your wish.
This message is being posted on UKCaving, Cavechat, and Tag-net. Feel free to post links elsewhere. I would like to get the most diverse and complete response possible.
Thank you!
This message is being posted on UKCaving, Cavechat, and Tag-net. Feel free to post links elsewhere. I would like to get the most diverse and complete response possible.
Thank you!